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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday behaviour...

This morning we awoke by alarm at 'dark'o'clock' to set up our driveway for a garage sale...

Levi set off to put up the signs and bring us back an awful coffee and a dried up bacon and egg toastie from the local bakery. I potted around the house thinking about what I might possibly be willing to sell.

I was sad to say goodbye to my fridge. It was the very first appliance I ever bought when I first moved out of home. I remember feeling so mature when I came home with my first 'grown-up' purchase. It has seen a lot of mouldy food, forgotten vegetables and unidentifiable left overs. It has been taken from house to house and met many housemates, seen many parties and a whole lot of booze... One of my happiest days was when I used a stencil from this ED ROTH book and gave it a funky hounds toothe make over...

The highlight of my day was a visit from a lovely gal named Jo. She emailed me a few weeks ago after reading the blog and realising that we lived close by. She came with coffee!! Nice coffee! and croissants! which she left behind and we ate for morning tea!! (thanks Jo!)

Not only did she bring food, but she brought with her a little suitcase full of stitchy delight. Jo is an art school drop-out like me :) We both studied textiles and we both share a love of crafty stuff (wow). It is so nice to meet peeps in the real world who share this love of the handmade... I was in awe of her stitchy talents - and i am seriously looking forward to sitting around and making stuff with her one day. I am hoping to pick up some of her skills... and maybe learn some patience while I am at it.

the driveway.... notice the awesome refrigerator...

some of Jo's lovely little pieces...

a stitched and felted notebook - so precious that Jo has been afraid to use it for anything yet...

for me? you shouldn't have!

This sassy lady and her croc...

'please no! I hate photos!'

See what a cutie Jo is. Yay for new friends!

Anywho, I have business to attend to. The wrapping and finishing of dresses, ready to send off with the postie on Monday...

I hope you are enjoying a delicious weekend so far!!

Bec x



  1. We had a gsale today too Maybe LL should have painted up her fridge as it didnt sell lol Lucky enough coz her brother wants it now.We had rain all last night I mean it poured and all today it stayed dry Phew!! now its pouring again.Least we sold a fair bit and the oppies an enjoy the rest (after I go thru it all again just in case) lol

  2. So how did the garage sale go, besides the big ticket white goods selling, well houndstooth goods!! Jo looks delightful, what a nice surprise & all those goodies too, bliss, love Posie

  3. Oh what I would have done to shop your yardsale!!! Love Jo's dinosaur!

  4. HI ! lalalalovely .....so wiggin over the lady and her croc!!!! tell jo she hit a home run with this georgia grrrl. found u via burda love the dress made from lace curtains

  5. How exciting to meet a real live crafty blogger in the flesh! Can't wait to see the collaborating. The fridge is a cracker- did it go? Have you made some more room for your fabric stash? melx
