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Saturday, June 30, 2012

lazy weekend happenings...

This is my person. We are very proud of her and her mad toilet skills. Her favourite part is the flushing.  She thinks it deserves a 'woohoo' and a high five, every time! 

Today we enjoyed a cafe breakfast with friends and then headed to the beach. Despite the wintery weather the babes stills stripped off to play in the water and we ended up burying them both in the sand. We built a mermaid around my person complete with big sandy boobies that she cupped happily before jumping up and ruining all our efforts.

Once they were on the verge of frostbite, we wrapped them up and made our way home for a long hot shower and some fireside warmth. We actually haven't made any attempt to leave the house since. I think the rest of the weekend will involve a slow cooked meal, a glass of shiraz (or three) and possibly some dressmaking behaviour. 

Keep warm peeps!! 

Bec x 


  1. Perfect day. Children playing at the beach, slow cooked food and shiraz. What about pictionary. Happy days. X

  2. Gorgeous pic Bec. Amazing isn't it that even in winter the kidlets can go hours at the beach before they suddenly snap freeze. melx

  3. Oh it sounds like the ideal weekend. Snugly warmth, good times on the beach, little people and good friends. Just magic!

  4. Flushing the toilet definitely deserves a woo and high five!

  5. Nice work, person.

    Are you no longer small?

  6. Sounds absolutely perfect, Bec.

  7. hehe - I remember having to wave bye-bye to wees&poos ... I'm now kinda looking forward to doing it again with my littlest one ... at least it will hail the end of nappies!!!

  8. Oh Bec I can't believe how much she's GROWN....Soon the acquisition of toilet skills will be but a memory as the navigation through school, teen & adult years proceed....!!

    Sorry I've been MIA of late....I'll be back this evening with a tall BEVERAGE for a good catch up....!!

    Cheers from Melbourne,
    Tamarah :o)

  9. Hope you have settled in to your new home, I think your dresses are fab! :)
