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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

400th Blog post - fabric giveaway!

I am sitting at my kitchen bench, drinking my very strong morning coffee and waiting for it to start running through my body. I have become way too dependent on my morning caffeine. So much so that I will get a headache if I go without and I will be in a foul mood. I am starting to think that maybe I should detox and kick my coffee dependency. Yes. Maybe one day, but not right now.  I am preparing to holiday in September and I have a whole lot I would like to finish in the coming weeks leading up to it. Feeling sick and grumpy is not part of the plan. A spring detox, maybe...

ANYWAY! I sat down to write this post while I drank my coffee and realised that this would be post #400 which I suppose is a bit of a milestone. So I want to give away a special prize to say a massive thank you to my loveliest readers, those of you who have been around since the beginning and those who have just found me. Thank you all so much for the endless encouragement. The kind comments that always brighten my day. The gorgeous emails that remind me that there are so many vintage loving, crafty souls out there in the world! You are all amazing and I am endlessly grateful for your support.  This giveaway is open world wide and all you have to do is leave a comment to enter.

I have excitedly put together this cute prize. This precious vintage tin with all its contents. So far there is a vintage fabric bundle of FQ's, a fabric bow for your hair or to wear as a brooch, a cute pair of resin earrings and a cat pendant necklace...

Leave a comment! Feel free to share on your FB page, Instagram or blog and then tell me in the comments to gain extra entries... I will draw the winner on Saturday morning. I love giveaways! I love entering them and I love offering them. Enter away!! Happy Tuesday beautiful people.


  1. Congratulations - you deserve it lovely lady :)

  2. Yay!! Would be so awesome to win something wonderful from you <3 <3 I am also sharing on my Facebook page- will tag your page!!

  3. OMG OMG OMG THIS IS SO GORGEOUS, would love to win such a beautiful prize. I love your work too by the way.

  4. Shared on facebook and Google+ - Big Congratulations on reaching #400, you do an awesome job (sewing and blogging!)

  5. What an amazing prize, I'd love to win those lovely fabrics. Shared on Facebook and Instagram.

  6. What a beautiful tin! I hope I win! On a more personal note, I discovered your blog about 2 months ago on Pinterest and have been hooked ever since!

  7. Your blog and your amazing creative dresses have really been an inspiration to me. I found you not too long ago on Instagram and I am glad for the inspiring daily photos you post. Happy 400th blog post Bec and keep doing what you are doing.. Inspiring us newbies out there.. Proof that creative dreams do come true :)

  8. Yay:) love love love Naughty Shorts blog and Instagram. I have shared on Fb and Instagram x

  9. Your dresses are so beautiful!

  10. Hello, Miss Naughtyshorts. I love following your fabric and collecting adventures on instagram! In fact, I have just reposted your giveaway image on my feed, @wildplumhill. Gorgeous giveaway goodies!!!

  11. Love your work! Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeousness!

  12. Congratulations! Look forward to 400 more :-) Please count me in for that lovely prize draw.


  13. Shared on Facebook, Instagram, g+, twitter & tumblr! Check out my Exotic Pear Industries page of Facebook & shop on Etsy if you get a chance! I'd really appreciate it :)

  14. Happy 400th post! I am hoping to own one of your divine dresses by Christmas - it has been a long wait as I remember 'liking' your page when you first started out :) Beautiful giveaway too! xx

  15. Shared on Facebook, Instagram, g+, twitter & tumblr! I'm quite find of your fabrics & your great pictures!! I can't imagine 400 blog posts! I struggled with 40. Didn't make it. Oh well. You rock!! Get job & keep up the beautiful work.

  16. Congrats!!! I love, love, love your dresses. And, the fabrics are just lovely! I was so bummed that you were sold out on Etsy. I would love to order a few for some shoots that I am doing this fall. Congratulations again on your 400th blog post.... it's awesomesauce! - Mary Beth

  17. Congratulations on your 4ooth Blog post! I too am amazed at how many likeminded crafty people are out there!

  18. Happy 400th blog post!! Your dresses and choice in fabrics always inspire me. Keep up the good work!!

  19. Sitting at home with my beautiful Miss 3, both of us sick, on a cloudy day with a few drops of rain on the tin roof every so often, it was great to check in on your Blog and see you have reached the big 400... Congratulations. Love seeing your creations and inspiring ideas. Enjoy the milestone.

  20. Go you!! Love your work and your vibe. Colourful, classic and inspiring . In a clothing scene with lots of black in it, it's refreshing to see all your colour. Sharing this post to my fb. :)

  21. chin up pet, you are such an inspiration to so many of us! I LOVE the Sugar Shack and your small ☺ the coffee detox thing creeps into my mind occasionally, I shoo it away quickly! Melissa xx

  22. Go you!! Love your work and your vibe. Colourful, classic and inspiring . In a clothing scene with lots of black in it, it's refreshing to see all your colour. Sharing this post to my fb. :)

  23. I love your sheet frocks! Congratulations on your 400 blog posts!!

    And thanks for the chance to enter xxx

  24. Gorgeous gifts. I really enjoy your posts.

  25. Congratulations on reaching the 400th blog post milestones. Your work is such a joy to see and it is an inspiration to become a better crafter and a bit fitter to look hot in one of your dresses :-D I love the your vintage finds and your playful creativity. Please keep bringing your touch of sunshine to the blogverse. Love another of your kiwi fans xx

  26. What a lovely giveaway! Thank you for sharing 400 posts & for inspiring me with your fabric creations. Leisa. Xx

  27. What's lovely little prize! I've been following you on Instagram, love the inspirational fotes

  28. Wow 400! Congratulations! Love love love your dresses. What a lovely giveaway!

  29. The fabric and tin are gorge! Been following you avidly on Instagram xx

  30. could you squeeze a dress into that tin too Bec 😉😘

  31. Oh! congrats with your 400th blogpost! Please go on for a while and make it at least 1000 ;-)
    So good to read i'm not the only strong black coffee lover junk in this world...

    xxhave a lovely day

  32. Congratulations, I have only just found your website via facebook and love visiting. Very inspiring.

  33. Ooh this looks lovely! Exciting about the 400 posts. Am sharing this on instagram too! Thanks for all your inspiring lovliness!x

  34. Congratulations. Everything you chose is beautiful and I'd be so excited to win this. I shared the giveaway on my Facebook page too.

  35. Congratulations!!! Your creations are stunning. New reader, but very impressed!

  36. Squeal of excitement and a happy dance!!!!!! Thank you so much for the opportunity to go into the draw.......
    400 wonderful fun posts........happiness to you sweet.
    Love V

  37. Such a great giveaway!! Would love to win!

  38. Congrats on your 400th post. I just love your site - your fabric stash is just divine! What a wonderful gesture to give away such a gorgeous tin of goodies.
    I have no idea if I've left this comment correctly. I'm not a blogger or have any of those fancy accounts from the drop down list. I'm just me - Mum of 3, who has discovered a love of fabric and wishes she had more time... Rachael Lineham xo

  39. This has to be the cutest giveaway ever!!congratulations on your 400th post!

  40. Congratulations on your 400th post. I have loved reading them as I am new to your blog. I have shared on FB and instergram. Have everything crossed as I would love to win this fab giveaway prize. Many thanks for the giveaway and your fab blog posts xx

  41. What a lovely giveaway! Yay for 400 posts!

  42. sunnygirl........Julie Bostick-WoolmanJuly 30, 2013 at 3:16 PM

    I discovered you because my 15 year old daughter has just started blogging and making her own clothes. You have Iinspired her along with other bloggers to follow her dreams well done and thank you

  43. Congrats on your milestone. xxx Happy getting through all your tasks before holidays. xxx

  44. One day I will be the owner of one of your dresses...one day =D shared on fb too =)

  45. What an awesome prize. Love reading your blog, it inspires me to get crafty all the time :)

  46. Congratulations on 400 posts! What a gorgeous giveaway!

  47. Congratulations on 400 posts! What a lovely giveaway!

  48. Congrats and well done! Thank you for the fabulous giveaway. I've shared the giveaway on FB: https://www.facebook.com/melissa.jones.336333/posts/398009273638125

  49. What a great give away, count me as you can never have too many pieces of fabric in your stash. I've also shared on my facebook page x

  50. Your blog posts brighten my dull work days :) thank you for pretty fabrics, pretty dresses & pretty giveaways :) x

  51. have just discovered you thanks to my lovely friend kelly.
    Gorgeous prize :) x

  52. 400 posts, yippee. congratulations lovely lady.
    and what a sweet give-away to celebrate. x

  53. Your clothing rocks!! I love seeing the gorgeous dresses you make out of beautiful vintage materials <3

  54. Oh my goodness, what a lovely bunch or beautiful xxBrenda L

  55. Woohoo! Huge congrats on your 400th post. Love, love, love your work....one day xxxx
    Btw, shared on fb too xx

  56. What a lovely giveaway...beautiful fabrics!

  57. What beautiful fabric. Hope I have a chance here.

  58. oh how lovely!!! wgtaa great giveaway, comgrats on the 400th post. I love your blog, and following you on instagram!! and what a small world that we know your mister!! one day ill buy one of your dresses, maybe for an album launch or something!!!?? mezz x

  59. happy 400th! i love the concept and look of your line! very inspiring to see your studio space also, all that vintage goodness...! i also really like the honest writing on your blog, nice to see real people behind successful small businesses! here's for the next 400 posts and many more gorgeous frocks!
    best wishes from Finland!

    1. Thank you Aniko :) You are my winer xxx Please email me naughtyshorts@y7mail.com with your address xx

    2. wow, what are the odds! thanks so much, i'm thrilled!!

  60. My ears pricked up when I heard the word FABRICS!! Would love to win this little bundle, how lovely. Thanks for giving us the chance.

  61. How exciting! Congrats! I've only just found your blog so don't deserve to win, but it's been lovely to read back through your posts!

  62. Congratulations! I am sharing in FB. Love your blog.

  63. Oh my word what a fabulous little box of treasures! I found you on Instagram a few months ago and have been absolutely addicted to your posts ever since. My heart always leaps when i see IG pics of your beautiful fabric bundles and dresses. You have also inspired me to have a go at making a dress - not sure i can replicate your fabulous style however!! Your home looks like such a cosy warm place for your little girl to grow up in. So congratulations on post 400 and for inspiring many vintage lovers in the big wide world! xx

  64. Oh my what a fabulous box of treasures! I found you on Instagram a few months ago and have been addicted ever since. My heart always leaps when i see pics of your beautiful fabrics and dresses. You have also inspired me to have a go at making a dress - not sure i can replicate your fabulous style however!! Your home looks like such a warm cosy place for your little girl to grow up in. So congratulations on your 400th post - and for inspiring many other vintage lovers in the big wide world! xx

  65. Such a beautiful little give-a-way!! I would love to win this and get sewing. Your blog and your creativity are amazing!

  66. Such a beautiful bundle, i would love to be entered :)

  67. Happy 400th post!
    I stumbled across your blog a few months ago and you have been smitten ever since.
    So lovely to find somebody else who shares the love of beautiful treasures.
    Your blog and Instagram are a breath of fresh air and truly make my soul sing x

  68. Congrats! Love you blog - and all the beautiful dresses :)


    (and since without blog - annebodilsen@hotmail.com)

  69. Congratulations! And heres to many more!

  70. Congrats! Heres to many more to come!

  71. 400 blogposts is a huge achievement and defiantly needs celebrating. The stories told and shared, the treasures found, the journey you've made in your sewing it's all there. X

  72. Congratulations on your 400th post!!! Thank you for sharing your creations, fabrics, life and give-aways. Love everything you create and hope to one day own one of those lovely dresses!!! I will be sharing this on FB. <3
    Rebecca xxx

  73. Love your blog! It's very inspirational for me as I start up sewing again after so many years away. Teaching my 9 year old daughter the same techniques my grandmother and father taught me. Thank you!

  74. Love your blog! It's very inspirational as I have started sewing again after so many years away. Teaching my 9 year old daughter the same techniques that my grandmother and father had taught me. Thank you!!!

  75. Such a beautiful blog you have. Thanks for the giveaway! You have my permission to draw my name:)

  76. Congratulations! I have been following you for awhile now, and you have been so inspirational! I am about to try my first dress pattern here soon, and I have you to thank for it!

  77. I am a sucker for vintage tins. I also love vintage fabrics which are a lot harder to find. I am a fairly new follower and just love your beautiful dresses....so feminine!

    My husband recently found a brand new, never used sewing machine at an estate sale and now that I have two, my daughter has started sewing with me. Nothing big, because I am a fly by the seat of my pants seamstress. She is a headband fanatic, especially in the summer, and has taken fabric scraps and some buttons from my vintage collection (in vintage tins, of course) and put together some nice headbands.

    Anyway......Congrats on your 400th post! I also posted on your facebook page and was already a follower on Pinterest (of course!), but have a question. Is there a tab to click to share on my facebook page? I could not find it.

  78. Congratulations on the 400! Oh, how I would love to have some of your fabric, every picture you put on instagram makes me drool :P

  79. Congrats on #400! Some of your fabric would give me the motivation I'm needing to sew! I will blog post!

  80. I love reading your posts!!!! The dresses you create are beautiful. You have actually inspired me to collect vintage fabric and sheets.


  81. Congrats on 400 posts! Love your blog. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  82. This is so gorgeous!! What a lovely giveaway!! Congratulation on 400!! :) xo Holly

  83. Aw, congrats on post 400! You always make the coolest stuff, and I've loved following along!


  84. I would love to win your lovely tin full of loveliness! susan.vaughan4@hotmail.co.uk. Sue x

  85. Congratulations!! Looking forward to the next 400!!

  86. I love this blog, your pics, and the fact that you share such a cool life with us. Congratulations on the big 4-0-0!!!

  87. Just added you to bloglovin'. Congratulations on 400.

  88. Dear Rebecca, I wish i had found your blog and IG sooner. You're so You! I'm no 'sewer' but i love your style. Congratulations with the 400 and with living your life so well. Loves from the Netherlands X

  89. You are the loveliest person, I so enjoy following along with your creations and life. Keep up the great work!! Winning this fabric would be fantastic, I too have been working too much with my own business and sadly have neglected my sewing/quilting projects - this would be a great boost for me to take some time out to do the thing I love, Sew :)

  90. Love your stuff! Please count me in for the giveaway..I am not even at my 100th post so your count is impressive. I follow you on FB and love all your posts. Your house looks like a dream.

  91. Posted on FB "Fabric I'd be happy to drown in". Thanks Naughty Shorts for your inspiration in sewing, shopping, Mumming, vintage and loving the simple things. Emmi

  92. love giveaways and especially love fabric giveaways! Thank you for sharing and posting, your blog is truly a pleasure to read!

  93. Oh FUN! Congratulations on 400 posts~ Thank you for offering such a generous giveaway~ xx

  94. I didn't realise you had a blog. I started following you on ig a couple of months ago. I love your vintage style, seeing your gorgeous dresses on instagram and your beautiful home. Your photos are so inspiring and make me want to get behind the sewing machine, go op-shopping and rearrange the house. Love all you do xx

  95. I see I am the lucky 101th commenter :) Love your stuff baby keep up the awesome work xxxxxxx

  96. i just found your blog a few weeks ago but love each post you publish! Congrats on our 400th post, that is a mile stone for sure! Writing my own blog I know what dedication it takes to keep it going! Cheers!

  97. I just recently found your blog and I love each post. Your style is so soft and charming. Thanks for keeping your blog and inspiration going...congrats on 400!

  98. Oh my, such a lovely giveaway. Beautiful goodies!

  99. Congrats, I love reading your posts. What a lovely giveaway, thanks!

  100. I am one of your new followers, and about the caffeine fix I understand completely. I too, think I should quit the stuff, but then banish the thought as not having enough coffee to keep those thoughts away. I plan to share your plans to share your thoughts on FB. I love the vintage style and your fabrics. I think the idea of putting it in the vintage tin is great. Thank you again, Josie

  101. This is so stinking cute! I just recently found you and LOVE LOVE LOVE your sight! I don't know how you contain yourself with all that lovely fabric sweetly whispering in your ears! Must be heaven!

  102. What a gorgeous give away!! Thanks for the opportunity and congrats on your 400th post - great milestone! (Definitely leave the detox until after the holiday!)

  103. This is how I know you love what you do. Love is, above all, the gift of oneself and dear lady continually give of yourself. Enjoy your coffee and all the other simple pleasures in life xx
    catherine.c.brown@hotmail.com - sorry I don't have a google account

  104. So glad to hear you are feeling better! So thoughtful to have little giveaways! Congrats on your 400th post! Keep on being your lovely self! X

  105. Yay !! love your work! congrats x

  106. A beautiful giveaway and a beautiful blog. I love seeing your IG pics :)

  107. A beautiful giveaway and a beautiful blog. I love seeing your IG pics :)

  108. Yay! Another great blog to read. Thanks for the chance. = )

  109. Thanks for the chance! I just found your blog today..another wonderful place to visit regularly. = )

  110. Beautiful giveaway. I'm always looking for and buying old tins. I love the old chocolate ones best. Pascal had some ripper ones.
    I love your tea dresses too. After I finish breast feeding I might just treat myself to one (unless you design one that has front access!

  111. What an amazing milestone! That is just so exciting! :)


  112. Your work is incredible - congratz on a milestone! :)

  113. Every time I receive your updates, it brings a smile to my face and makes my heart happy with your latest creations. Congratulations, keep blogging!

  114. Hi There,
    I have just found your blog and I am loving it. The tea dresses are DIVINE!
    Thanks for sharing.

  115. Just found you today via a Facebook post - what a divine blog!!

  116. congrats. i dont know which i like more, the tin or its contents!! babscorbitt@gmail.com

  117. I absolutely adore your blog! It got me sewing again! I must say I have gotten a bit rusty but a little practice wont hurt at all ;D I found your blog via pintrest and cannot stop reading. I loooooove your dresses! so cute! stay beautiful!!!

  118. I love your blog and little person!
    Keep living your dream!
    It makes me want to do the same;)

  119. I shared on FB too miss Bec, can't see if i left a comment on that or not xx

  120. also shared on insta too miss Bec, can't see if i left a comment on that or not xx

  121. I would love that prettiness to come stay at my house. Thanks for the opportunity. Happy day to you!

  122. I love your dresses!!!

  123. I love your dresses!!!

  124. Congrats on #400!! Love your dresses!!

  125. Love just knowing that somebody has the foresight in seeing how brilliant our yesteryear fabrics are. Congratulations in giving these fabrics a brand new life in your beautiful dresses. X

  126. Congratulations! You were such an inspiration for me when I first started making my own clothes! And you still are, of course :)

  127. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
