Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Well today, I am deflated. Exhausted and weary. A lousy night of sleep has left me feeling unable to cope with the smallest things and today there have been a few small things. Certainly not a horror day, but I am not at my finest. It is always the days like these when I lose my temper a little too easily and I feel like I have let my small person down. 

It must be the culmination of weeks of being unsettled, on the road and unpacking. With the final box unpacked late last night, we now have the opportunity to adjust and settle. My studio looks ok, but everything appeared to be packed without rhyme or reason. I have simply unloaded boxes onto shelves as I opened them. It will take me some time to reacquaint myself with my fabric and get them into order. I am thinking about starting from square one and redoing my entire fabric library. 

I can't wait to get back to work. My plan, however, is to ease into it slowly and definitely only take limited orders until I find my groove again. The day-care up here re-opens on the 16th of January, so I will get the shop going around that time I suppose. I also plan to indulge in some personal sewing and a few projects for Zavian and the house before before the virtual doors are open... I might even have a surprise in store for you...

I have #32 to add to the list - Once a week I want to cook a meal from a recipe I have never tried before.  I used to love cooking, but since cooking meals became part of my job description I have lost that joy. I am hoping to recapture the fun and sense of pride gained from making something delicious. And I will make lots of it so that we have leftovers. Left overs are my speciality.

Tonight we are having San Choy Bow and for dessert I have mango pannacotta setting in the fridge... Both easy recipes, but yummy! I will be sure to let you know how they turn out.

Bec x


  1. Trying new recipes needs to be added to my list too. I've got heaps of recipe books, plus all those online to try, i just need to make the effort to try them, instead of the usuals. x

  2. Moving house with a toddler is about one of the most stressful things you can do so cut yourself some slack and remember- each day is fresh with no mistakes, plus littlies are so good at living in the moment, tomorrow you will again be the best mama in the world. Take your time to settle in and do something creative for yourself before the world comes knocking for more dresses. melx

  3. I included trying new recipes in my list too! I love to cook, but sometimes get a bit lazy and we end up eating the same things week in week out. Yay for unpacking the final box!

  4. Dear Bec,this year has just started and if you feel tired, take some time to take a deep breath.
    Moving, packing, unpacking, sewing, blogging and take care of your little one is hard work...take it easy!!

    I wish you all the best for 2012! a lot of good and creative things and good health!!
    Let January be January...you'll find your rythm soon...


  5. Cooking new things instead of relying on tried and true favourites all the time is on my list as well.

    Take a break and chill - you have had a hectic couple of months so no wonder you feel tired and over it.

  6. Last year i bought a new ingredient i had not cooked with before and then googled recipes - it was fun and renewed my interest in cooking although the children waited for mealtimes with great trepidation. Really looking forward to your virtual shop doors opening as hubby loved my last dress sooo much he has promised me another as a belated christmas present xxx hope you feel brighter soon x

  7. You have just been through a period of big upheaval, it's only natural that it would take some time to settle into a new life :)
    I need to challenge myself to cook something new each week, my family are starting to bore with the same old same old.

  8. Take time to ease into your new life. A move with a wee one into the crazy heat of the north will take it out of you. Be kind to yourself! You'll get your groove back in no time :D

  9. I do hope you get into that settled feeling soon. Moving can be so tiring and stressful (but exciting!) Meanwhile your studio is looking very pretty. I hear you about the meals. I think I need to try the new recipe thing a week too. I love baking, but weekday meals can be a bit of a chore can't they?
