Thursday, September 15, 2011

selamat Pagi!!

Good morning beautiful people! How are you all??

I miss you all so much. I have just discovered the free wireless internet in our hotel room and I have been playing a little bit of catch up in blog land! It seems everyone has been so busy and creative. Apologies for not leaving any comments - as I am trying to keep my time on the computer brief...

I am most excited to tell you that there is a little something about naughty shorts in the current issue of peppermint magazine. I have not seen it yet and I have no idea what it says or how it looks!! I think the first thing I will do upon arriving back to Australia is run to the airport newsagency and try to buy myself a copy. I am so thrilled to have a mention in another wonderful Australian magazine!!

Once I get back to Perth I will re-open the shop with a limited number of customs dresses available. I am thinking that 5 custom spots a week will be a good number for me to keep my workload under control - especially with the big move coming up!! I also plan to make a few one-of-a-kind dresses available ready to ship each week so that I can keep those creative juices pumping.

In other Super exciting news I am jumping out of my skin with anticipation to see the photos from a collaboration with one of my most favourite blog-pals miss Laura Mitchell from Kit and Nancy and her extremely talented photographer sister Katie Mitchell. Miss Katie has been sick with Bronchitis so I am sending her a virtual hug and a get well soon card. Miss Laura has just celebrated her 28th birthday - so I am sending her a virtual birthday hug and a big slap on the bum for being so awesome! I hope you appreciate it miss Laura *wink*........ Miss Laura's blog never fails to make me smile. That lady is over flowing with creativity and her images are always gorgeous. Make sure you check out these gals if you haven't already!!

Well, I am having the most fabulous time over here in Bali. I have taken a few photos - but mainly I have just been enjoying myself and not worrying too much about 'capturing the moment'.

Highlights have been dinner at Jimbaran bay, a day trip to Ubud and the monkey forrest, Shopping, More shopping, massages on the beach under the shade of a gorgeous big tree, and of course cold bintang next to the pool and the standard bali pedicure - complete with painted flowers!

I have been so inspired by the colours and the handicrafts and the people!! I am starting to wish I could come home and get back to work!! I am a lucky girl to love my job so much!

So now I will love you and leave you - with a few snapshots from our holiday so far.


the small person watching the world pass by from the window of the taxi...

best spots on this dog...


  1. so lovely to hear from you. thank you for the gorgeous shout out, you are a wonderful inspiration to me you know. so lovely to be working with you. can't wait to get back into my beautiful floral number. glad you're loving bali. we miss you! lots of love (bum slap appreciated!) lau xxx

  2. Ooh looks like you're having a ball! I'd love to know where you're staying as we're headed to Bali in a couple of months and having a spot of trouble finding somewhere to stay!
