Tuesday, September 20, 2011

home sweet home...

A large stack of Balinese hand-woven baskets 

the MOST incredible vinyl I have ever seen. All of the food shops and market stalls I saw in Bali have tables
covered in these vibrant vinyl's in awesome colours and prints. I had to have some!
I ended up getting the help of a local man and his trusty scooter. After a few hours of riding around
 I found some in a local supply shop and I want to cover EVERYTHING in it.

I just wish I found more... more styles, more colours.
next time...

Pressed tin and more woven baskets...

A vintage lovely discovered in the local oppy the day before we left...

...and here is its friend.

Special thanks to miss Kel at green tea and red nails for my delicious vintage sheet fat quarters!
They are Ah-maa-zing!!!!!

The arrival of a special little tin in the post...

which prompted a little bit of tin arranging...

And a stack of yummy inspirational magazines.
Which I am saving for a relaxing moment on the couch with a nice cup of tea.

Today I feel like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world.

We arrived home last night to a spotless house and a roast dinner - courtesy of my lovely mum-in-law. A warm shower and a good scrub from head to toe. Clean pyjama's, fresh vintage floral sheets and a good night sleep in my own bed. After three weeks away living in hotels and other peoples houses, it feels so nice to back in my own space.

Waiting for me when I walked through the door was a big pile of packages. In my suitcases an array of woven baskets, blankets, jewels and other assorted curios collected on my travels wait ready to be unpacked.

Today I opened all the windows to allow the cold wind to breeze through my house. It is such a welcome change to the humid heat that tropical Bali is famous for. I know I need to make the most of this cool Southern weather before we make the move to Pannawonica.

So now, feeling revitalised and ready to work, I will set about updating my fabrics and re-opening the shop. I have a fresh stack of orders waiting for me from the facebook market night AND I have a fresh stack of fabrics to tempt you all with.

Can't wait to show you!

Hope you are all well and happy wherever you are in the world!!


  1. what a gorgeous post! love it all, so much eye candy. glad to have you home. xx

  2. So happy to see you back. Yes, I adore the pics.

  3. Loving your Bali loot! We're headed there in December and I'm giddy at the thought of the markets. Just read the piece in Peppermint, congrats!!!!

  4. You found some wonderful treasures, I really like your silver frame in the second bottom picture!

