Saturday, September 28, 2013
Happy Saturday - Garage Sale Glee!!!
There is hardly a weekend that will pass where I don't find myself perusing a garage sale or two. Some weekends are even dedicated to this activity. It is not uncommon to see me burning around town with a car full of newly purchased bric-a-brac, potplants, furniture, fabric, etc, etc... The hunt for a bargain is one of my favourite pastimes.
This week however I had decided to give the hunt a rest. I was going to give the opshops a miss and the garage sales a wide berth. You see, my post-holiday pockets are empty! So, I was sitting at a friends house, watching the AFL grand final, as you do, when I received a message on my facebook page that read - garage sale on Dunsborough lakes drive, lots of vintage sheets and fabric, etc... Those of you who covet vintage fabric will know how hard it can be to come across. I can go weeks opping, garaging, ebaying, without finding a single worthy purchase. So I leapt out of my seat, left my child with my friends and raced around the corner in search of this promising garage sale. Within 5 minutes I had found the house and within 10 I had bought nearly everything this lovely lady had to offer.
I reasoned to myself, what are overdraft accounts for, if not emergencies such as these??
So thank you so much lovely miss who tipped me off!!
Happy weekend! Has anyone else found anything amazing so far??
Bec x
Friday, September 27, 2013
around here today - sewing again!
I picked up my sewing machines from the repair place in Bunbury on Wednesday, only to drive home and receive a phone call from the Janome shop telling me that I had forgotten the foot pedals for both my sewing machine AND my over-locker. Bah! I was itching to sew but I just couldn't without my pedals!! I was so desperate I pulled out this old Elna that I picked up from a car-park market for $20. I knew this was a good machine when I bought it, but I thought it might need a little bit of a service before I could use it.... I was wrong! this machine is a dream to work with!! Isn't it funny how things work out. Not having my pedals turned out to be a massive blessing in disguise now that it has forced me to become acquainted with this lovely old girl. My advice to anyone looking a buying a sewing machine would be that the older manual machines often turn out to be the nicest to sew with.
So I have been back at it today! Finishing dresses that were ordered before I went away on holidays. It's lovely having half finished dresses draped over my sofa and pretty piles of neatly ironed bias binding hanging over chairs. I have lots of new things I want to try, but I am trying to push them out of my head while I focus on getting back up to date with outstanding orders.
I am planning on bringing someone on board with me to help with sewing so that I can boost the number of ready to ship dresses available to my lovely ladies. This will hopefully mean that I wont have to turn so many orders away!!
Meanwhile the little pink house is still a mess with piles of fabric and furniture projects EVERYWHERE and I am slowly getting through three weeks worth of washing and putting away and all that other boring house stuff that I wish would somehow magically look after itself... Ho hum.
Well I had better get back to work! I hope your having a beautiful day, wherever you may be in the world.
Bec x
Thursday, September 26, 2013
cupcakes for my baby
While I was in Bali my small person was on holiday with her dad, exploring NZ. We spent three weeks apart!! I was planning on travelling to Mexico in that time to myself, but I developed a bit of anxiety at the idea of being SO far away from my baby. In the end I decided that Bali would be easier on me for our first time away from each other. While she was in NZ she celebrated her fourth birthday without me, so today I decided that we would make birthday cupcakes together and let her be in charge of most of the making.
We made them on the kitchen floor, from a packet. It was very messy. We made little flags from toothpicks and washi tape. We made icing with a bit of red and a bit of yellow, which turned out a lovely sherbet orange colour. Zav was in charge of breaking the eggs, mixing, pouring and icing. Its probably a good thing we don't have any guests, because these cupcakes are full of eggshell!!
She came home that little bit more grown up. As they do.
Bec x
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
I am actually home now. Hooray! And I feel incredibly exhausted, I think I may have picked up a bug on the plane home. I have a niggling cough and a slight temperature. I spent today in my pj's with my small person. Unpacking the treasures I bought overseas. Unwrapping the parcels that arrived while I was away. Unloading the car of all the thrifted goodness I found along the way... My beautiful little house that was so clean and neat to come home to, has exploded in chaos and colour! Happy mess, for sure, but I will have to find a home for it all eventually.
Having all of these beautiful piles of fabric around is inspiring me to make and sew! I am itching to get stuck into it, but my sewing machine is still at the shop being serviced. I will pick it up tomorrow so I am planning a small project tomorrow night to ease me back into the swing of things. Maybe just a dress for my little lady or a cushion cover. Something I can start and finish in one night and get those creative juices pumping.
It's so good to be home!
Bec x
Thursday, September 19, 2013
no place like home...
I am writing this blog post from my hotel in Bali!! I am laying on my comfy big bed editing some photos from the sugar shack and thinking about having a nap. It as been an amazing trip so far, with just two days left until I fly home. Home sweet home. My holiday might nearly be over but there really is no place like home to relax. AND it would be a massive lie if I told you that I wasn't looking forward to getting back to work. I actually cant wait!
I will be returning refreshed and inspired, and perhaps with a few new tricks up my sleeve...
Talk soon!
Bec x
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