Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy parcel days!!

Oh joy - to go to the post office and discover bundles of goodness awaiting you!! My package from the package project swap arrived from Durban in South Africa. Wrapped beautifully with doilies and fun bright coloured shoe laces, gorgeous origami hearts and woodcut babushka dolls. Miss Nats! You spoil us. Thank you so much for such a happy collection of goodies. I hope your package gets to you soon!!

THEN!! AS if I wasn't spoiled enough already, I also received a package from my best pal Lou. All the way from San Clemente in the US of A. I have told you about Lou and her business Savilles Row before. She is so talented she would make me sick if I didn't love her so much. Lou's first love is painting and being a savvy entrepreneur she has started a few different ventures to bring in some cash while her painting career takes off. First the dresses, now an incredibly luxe soap shop full of organic balms and concoctions. Is there nothing this lady can't do?? My beautiful gift was just what I needed to scrub away the woes of the day before. She also made me a gorgeous dress which has been infused with the delicious smells of the oils and spices in my soaps. Thank you my lady. I love you, I miss you!

Yes I am a lucky girl to have such a beautiful friend. And such a beautiful family. There is nothing like being scared out of your wits to remind you of how much you love the people you share your life with.

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Tuesday. I am ready for bed.

Bec x


  1. Goodness it is all happening in downtown panna isn't it? Cannot believe you have been front row for lightening strikes, bushfires, rad new dress designs and awesome parcels. Who would have thought it would all happen once you left the big smoke! Hope you have recovered from your fright, keeping fingers crossed no snakes or scorpions in upcoming posts. melx

  2. Ohh love getting mail. and you received some fantastic parcels there.

  3. such fab packages, I love nice post:)
    I am catching up here due to school hols and have just read your earlier posts, so glad you are all ok after your scarey night with the fires, and for the record you look very lovely in your pics x x x x

  4. Yay! Soaps galore! I'm glad my little soapy delights made you feel better sweets. And I know, my pics are horrendous!Ahhh...My dad made me do it! I love you xxx

  5. So glad you love your prezzi's, Hope Zavian liked hers too:) My package has not arrived yet, but I am sure it will arrive soon:) xxx Love Nats
