Friday, July 5, 2013

back in the studio...

All of my sorting and culling and folding and cleaning has paid off, as I now have a studio that I can actually work in, rather than just a fabric storage room. No doubt I will still spend most of my time sewing in the living area but for now this is just what I need...

Despite still coughing and spluttering and sneezing my head off I am feeling a million times better than I have for a few weeks and I did cut out some dresses today. It feels good to be making and creating again. Of course it always helps when a parcel full of delicious new fabric arrives on your doorstep...


  1. That looks amazing! Can I ask - what do you do with your smaller pieces? Are these all about the same size?

  2. Wow your sheet stash is huge and it sure does look amazing all neatly folded. you've created such an inspiring space Bec. x

  3. all of that fabric is so pretty and inspiring! i wish my studio was that organized :)

  4. I need to get back into my studio too :)

  5. I know so many would say it, but my goodness all that fabric to swoon over. Heaven.

    Lovely set up honey.

  6. What a beautiful workspace, the sight of all that gorgeous fabric has practically given me palpitations! mel x

  7. Your fabric collection is FABULOUS! I am so jealous :)

  8. What a heavenly space! I could spend hours just staring.... Sue x

  9. Your fabric collection!!! *Jaw drop* Amazing. I hope one day I can have you make bridesmaids dresses for me =] I love your dresses! It would help if I was engaged though lol.


  10. I am SO JEALOUS of your sewing room - I hope one day I will have something like this!

  11. Enjoy creating. What a beautiful collection.

  12. so fresh and so clean :) Your rooms always make me feel like its spring time :)

  13. I'm a South African reader of your blog and find your photos of your fabrics fabulous. Also, I find your home very inspiring (hint, hint, more photos please)! Enjoy your studio space.

  14. Was your storage solution from IKEA?
