Wednesday, May 1, 2013

around here - change of the season

I have plenty going on around here at the moment. Numerous projects are on the go. Right now I am focusing on my bedroom and the outdoor sitting area. I am refreshing old furniture with a few coats of paint and thinking about how I am going to cosy up these concrete floors for winter.

My small person has a dreadful lurgy, so she is home with me watching movies and being ridiculously cute. She is in massive snuggle mode, so I am not achieving as much as I had hoped. It feels a little chaotic around here, but at times like this I think you just have to surrender control and try not to let it stress you out. So I am enjoying these snuggles from my little and taking it easy on the couch. Revisiting old issues of favourite magazines, drinking tea, eating soup...

Bec x 


  1. Yep, go with the flow, lots of snuggles and tlc. Amazingly I have often done my best painting efforts around the kids when they are home sick watching tellie. Seems they are quite happy to have me hovering in the same room wielding a brush interspersed with cuddles. mel x

  2. Snuggles are good - much better with a littlie than a grown child so enjoy. I've got the old paintbrushes out too. It seems everytime I go to move I find excuses to paint rather than pack. Cherrie

  3. Hope she's feeling better soon xoxoxo
