Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Back, again..

After the announcement of my triumphant return last week, we were, once again, knocked down by some sort of tummy illness. I will spare you the gnarly details. I think we are back on track again now. Fingers crossed.

Yesterday I shipped out my last custom orders. Now I need to get making for my upcoming market night. I will have more details of what will be available in the next few days... Bec xx


  1. Hello again! Goodness small children are just cesspits of disease aren't they! Hopefully you are over the worst of it as usually after two years of childcare they have had most of the bugs. Love the peeks into your house, so colourful and all those dresses in a row, gorgeous. I think you work in the prettiest office in the world. mel x

  2. Summer and beautiful dresses made by you are just perfect.
    So So pretty.
    Love V

  3. No good about that tummy bug.
    All those pics of your beautiful little cottage are lovely as usual. Yes I'll agree with Mel- you have the best work space.

  4. Hope you are really better this time - no fun :(
    Love your pretty chair adornments and those dresses are divine as usual!
    Ps thanks for the little Dottie Dog view too ;)
