Sunday, November 18, 2012

lovely weekend behaviour...

After feeling pretty crappy all week I have finally got my mojo back! On Saturday morning I packed the little one into the car, popped into town for a quick coffee pit-stop and  then headed off toward Busselton in search of garage sales.  We found some great stuff, including the stack of wire chairs and the lovely old timber chair painted white. We stopped past the local market on the way home to pick up a bunch of proteas, a bargain at $2/stem!!

This weekend I had that winning feeling. Early to rise. Pancakes for brekky. Finding cool stuff at garage sales. Afternoon napping...  Even a very spontaneous chair make-over that I love!I cannot wait to recover the others, but I have decided to hold off until I have invested in a sturdier staple gun...

Zavian is still sick. I dont think she will make it to daycare this week, so I am staying up late sewing trying to get my orders finished in good time....

Bec x


  1. All those pretty chairs.
    And the crab pot- is it becoming a side table i wonder.
    The sugar shack is filling with beautiful vintage treasures.

  2. Oh, It's a crab pot! I was just about to ask "What is that curious wooden thing?" :)

  3. Wel done on the chair! Looks great love th mix of fabrics

  4. I was also going to ask what the wooden thing is as well. I love the lamps you found. They are great. Fantastic finds. I hope your little one gets better soon.
