Tuesday, August 28, 2012

family crafting session #1

On Sunday night my mum and sister came to visit us here at the sugar shack. We enjoyed lazy breakfast on Monday morning then I led them on a walk to our beach. The tide was in so there were no starfish to be found that day. The sunshine was sporadic only hinting at the Spring weather that will soon be upon us. The countdown is on. 

Feeling inspired by the beach house we decided that a crafternoon was in order, so as a family we sat around the table stringing found sea shells onto old hanging baskets, to create a sort of hanging installation outside my front door. It was so lovely to get creative with the people I love the most. I had so much fun. It made me realise that this is something I want to do more often. I have titled this post 'family crafting session #1' as I hope there will be many more to write about in the future.

Right now it is raining and the sky is heavy with clouds. I am completely exhausted after a full day of sewing, and I fear that the flu I have been avoiding all winter may have caught up with me. I have just triple dosed myself with the horseradish, garlic and C vitamins. If I wake up feeling healthy tomorrow I will be over the moon. Thank-goodness for leftovers.


  1. Lovely. I miss the beach so much.but I Doo love the high lands. I just went mushroom picking for dinner. Mm. yummy

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Opps- I don't really know what happened with my post above!!
    Anyway, Just wanted to say what an awesome job- looks wonderful and so beachy (obviously) - much different to Panna :)
    Hasn't Little Miss Z grown, here curls, beautiful girl.
    I miss those mugs and the mouthwatering coffee (with honey -of course!) that went in them.
    Hope you awoke feeling wonderful and refreshed
    Take Care
    Michelle Mc

  4. yes left-overs rock! I love your family crafting session it makes me feel all hopefull and inspired, very original hanging basket! Heather x
