Sunday, June 3, 2012

tickled pink...

graphic design

So firstly, I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to be in the current issue of tickle the imagination. It is a bi-monthly online publication that focuses on handmade and it is so SO beautifully put together. 

I am sending out a huge thank-you to Tanya who is the lady behind the mag AND an especially huge thank-you to miss Katie Mitchell, the lady responsible for that image on the front cover AND another huge thank-you to miss Laura Mitchell (aka Kit & Nancy) who IS the lady in the picture on the front cover!! Hellooooooo gorgeous! If you have been reading this blog for a while you might remember the collaboration between the three of us last year. Here is a link to the pictures...

I have a whole heap to be excited about this weekend. Last night I packed my bags in preparation of my Bali escape. I will be leaving tomorrow (Monday) morning, WAY too early (try 4am), where I will be meeting up with one of my most favourite people in the universe for 5 days of massages, cocktails, shopping, swimming and hopefully maybe even a sleep in or two... This is the first time I will be away from the little person for more than one night and I am a bit nervous. The timing is not perfect as Zavian has tonsillitis right now, but I am sure that when it comes to these sorts of things the timing is hardly ever right...

I have stayed up till midnight sewing all week trying to get a few last orders sent out before my departure. I did not get the chance to phoptograph everything I made but I will leave you with a few snaps from my week...

See you when I get back!

Bec x 


  1. Travel safe - hope you have an awesome time (I'm sure you will!!)

  2. Congratulations on the feature! Travels safe and have an absolutely amazing time! x

  3. Have a fabulous break you deserve it xx

  4. congratulations on being featured in the magazine. That is amazing! You deserve it girl. I hope you have fun on your Bali escape and find lots of rest and relaxation!

  5. Congrats on your article...I enjoyed reading a bit more about you and your makings. Love the little collar on the dress above.

  6. I hope you have a wonderful time away! <3 And I love love love that dress - I can never resist a cute pan collar!

    Lost in the Haze: a Fashion Photography Blog

  7. That's so exciting! I saw your dress on A Beautiful Mess and it's absolutely stunning! Do you use commercial patterns or make them yourself? SO beautiful!

  8. Hi Bec, I have also just spotted one of your beautiful creations on A Beautiful Mess. Isn't the blog world small? Elsie made Oz sound sooo far away. I am in Brisbane & have been following your blog for a few months. I love it. Keep up the good work!
    Cath Pepper - Brisbane

  9. I just saw a beeeeeautiful dress (that elsie was wearing on a beautiful mess) that you had made - I love love love it, will defo be checking out more of your gorgie stuff x
