Friday, June 29, 2012

the little shack by the beach...

We are settling into life at little shack nicely. 
BUT It has not all been roses. The cold and the wet have made things a bit tricky. My first attempts at building a fire nearly resulted in death by smoke inhalation and the little bags of wood from the service station burnt much faster than I ever anticipated. One week on I am happy to tell you that I am the master of the fire place and that all burns and splinters are healing well. I now have a trailers worth of wood sitting pretty on the steps of little shack which should keep us going for the next month. The leak in the kitchen appears to have fixed itself (??) and the resident mouse doesn't make too much noise whilst digging around the kitchen in the middle of the night. I did have a heart stopping moment when the tremendous footsteps of the possum living upstairs (in the roof) managed to work its way into my dream/nightmare causing me to wake suddenly with my pulse racing in my eardrums. I quickly realised that it was not someone coming to murder me and I was able to sleep  again soon after the adrenalin had stopped pumping through veins.

I have been busy working on twitter dresses for some very beautiful and patient ladies. If I get back to work now I might be able to hem them in time to make today's post!! Spit spot.

Have a most fabulous weekend!!

Bec x


  1. Oh how I envy you your fire!

  2. We love our fire! But it's definitely my hubby's domain! I have moments of success but it's not consistent! Good on you for mastering it! :) :) Looks like a very quaint place to live! :)

  3. Glad to hear that you mastered the fire! Practice makes perfect. I hope you squeeze in some time today to hem those dresses!

  4. When I stay up at my fibro beach shack, those pesky possums keep me awake playing rugby on the flat roof, notbto mention the busy bush turkeys scratching up my garden. Alas I don't have an open fire, that would be perfect. I do love your beach shack, a lovely welcoming picture.
