Wednesday, February 15, 2012

shop news - farewell to the tea dress...

Lovely friends, loyal supporters, I have news that may shock... I have decided to temporarily retire the tea dress from my collection.

Since February of last year, I have made more than 300 of this particular style. You know what they say, practise makes perfect and, well, 300 dresses is a lot of practise and I am feeling like my skills have perhaps out-grown the basic style of the dress...

BUT!! do not fear!! I plan to return the tea dress soon!! With a nip here, a tuck there... I promise that all of the features that we love about the tea dress will remain the same. The vintage inspired silhouette, the full skirt and the modest neckline. I promise that the tea dress will remain unpretentious and comfortable, and that I won't let fancy details get in the way of the tea dress being a favourite everyday kind of frock....

I will be making three (3) Annie dresses available for purchase in the etsy shop tomorrow morning at 9am PERTH time. Only three custom listings will be made available each week, to allow ample time for me to get creative and to develop new designs.

So there you have it. I am so sorry if you have had your heart set on a tea dress. It won't be long till it is available again and better than ever....

Bec x


  1. your dresses are beautiful. love the contrasting belt on this one. so pretty.

  2. good on you bec, your dresses will be amazing.

  3. Wow 300 I think you've earned a change. I'm sure that anything new you produce will be just as beautiful. I really like the new style dresses you posted about in January.

  4. How very exciting for you! I have to say my tea dress from way back when is still a constant companion- I love her so :D

  5. Absolutely time to take a little tea break. Looking forward to see how inspiration strikes. melx

  6. I adore your dresses and always read your posts but sometimes i don't always comment. But a change is as good as a rest they say and its good sometimes to change and allow your skills to develope in design further. Making the same thing over and over does get boring for you. Look forward to seeing your new design. dee x

  7. Your beautiful dresses, and super seet blog are a constant inspiration!!! It is always exciting to come up with new designs! And your dresses are always gorgeous! xsarah

  8. Hi - this dress is gorgeous. I am still learning to sew (I've got straight lines down pat but everything else is a mystery) would it be rude of me to ask which pattern this is? Is it commercially available or or you have made up? It's gorgeous.

    1. HI lovely Christie, this is a pattern I developed myself, but it is a very basic darted bodice, with a gathered straight skirt (two rectangular pieces for front/back - gathered at the top and attached to the bodice) with a side zip and bias binding on the neck and arms. If that makes any sense I reckon you could wing it. Goodluck!!

    2. I'm loving your confidence in me! Ok... I might give it a go! WAAAAAH!

    3. Yay, awesome! Make sure you let me know how you go!! Sorry for spelling your name wrong :/

  9. can't to see your new designs! woohoo!

    Kel x

  10. Nothing wrong with change Bec...Having said that though you know I'm a MAJOR fan of your GORGEOUS tea dresses....!!!!

    I'm SURE all of your designs will melt my heart so bring 'em on....!!!!!

    Bye for now,
    Tamarah xx

  11. wow over 300 versions!! you are one very busy lady! lovely dress though can't wait to see the updated versions.

  12. How sad for me as i have just found you. I totall know what you mean about changing a style, I have been making Rowan rompers for over a year now, and i have just designed his cousin Henry!
