Sunday, February 12, 2012

dreaming in colour...

last night I dreamt that I was in an op-shop. I unearthed a box, covered in dust and piled high with junk. I  dug that little bit deeper and discovered an array of forgotten wallpaper rolls. I asked the lady behind the counter how much she wanted for them, to which she replied... that old stuff, just a couple of bucks each maybe... 

When I woke up it almost literally hurt to realise that it was just a dream!! Then it dawned on me - I am suffering huge thrift withdrawals... I am barely functioning without the thrill of discovering treasures on a regular basis. I am a little bit melancholy and a tad lethargic. 

This morning I jumped on the internet and found myself a little stash of wallpaper sold by the yard to keep me going until I get the chance to thrift-in-real-life again... 

I have also decided to reacquaint myself with past treasures that are hidden away in suitcases and boxes... I have a fabulous stash of gorgeous old tablecloths and a ridiculous number of linen tea-towels and doilies... Yes I am addicted. Not just to the beauty of the items it seems, 
but also to the thrill of the chase.

BTW - I completely forgot to draw a winner for my last scrap give-away...
The random winner was number 30... 
Ang!! Please drop me an email so that I can get your postal address... 
I have two more scrap packs to give away, so stay tuned next week if you would like to enter. I might do something a little different...

Happy Sunday!


  1. I've had op-shopping dreams before too, you're not alone there.
    Love all those pretty designs. x

  2. oh you poor thing! i remember after the birth of our last baby it was a mammoth EIGHT weeks of no thrifting for me!!
    are there no op shops near by? or just no chance to go?

    hang in there!!

  3. oh dear, such torture. and for your dreams to taunt you so. the cruelty.

    may many op shop adventures be had in the coming weeks. Vintage on line is just not the same is it?!

    xo em

  4. Great post. You had me laughing. How cruel, though, to have such a realistic dream like that. Maybe it means you might just stumble on some fab wallpapers. Fingers crossed for you.

  5. What an excellent dream! I do have dreams of that nature quite often. One of the most common themes in my dreams is having to pack up an amount of clothing/fabrics and wondering whether I have enough space... I think you would understand.
    and yes I feel for you being so far from op shops!
    (note to self - keep an eye out for wallpaper.)

  6. Oh noes! Fingers crossed your dreams of epic wallpaper op shop finds comes true soon!

  7. Oh MY! I think that's me!!! I will email you now, thanks!

  8. hello! our pressie parcel arrived on friday, thank you so much! you are ever so thoughTful and those decorated moleskins will be so handy (and pretty!) are you talking about retrovilla wallpapers?? they're amazing. i'm heading to the shop in copenhagen in july and seriously cannot wait to get a few metres of all my favourites. argh!!! i have decided that i have been buying too much as of late and will try and tone it down a bit. make sure you show us the wallpaper when it arrives. much pattern love. xxx

  9. Hahahaa oh dear - what an awesomely tortuous dream! Evil lil subconscious gremlins!
    Ps. Congrats Ang! Very envious!

  10. sounds like a perfect dream to me! how sad it was a dream though!

  11. Over the school holidays I barely had the chance to go op shopping! So nice to have the time again! It really is so exciting to stumble accross something you know you will current favourite is vintage cutlery, as I was given a beautiful old Buffet with little velvet lined cutlery drawer for my dining room! Have fun hunting for things online! <3

  12. hahaha! love this post! i start getting ansty if i don't op shop for a week... i have considered a self-imposed ban while i declutter but don't think that sounds like much fun! ha! looking forward to seeing that lovely wallpaper!

    Kel x

  13. Bec I reckon you should plan a little 'getaway' every couple of months....Go somewhere, stay in a hotel for a couple of nights, op-shop to your hearts content, drink good coffee & get your nails done.... Otherwise, you might go a little stir crazy & we can't have that....!!!!!

    I only wish I was a tad closer so we could co-ordinate a get together....**sigh**....!!!!

    Tamarah :o)

    1. Tamarah! I am!!! I am so excited. I am planning a week long stay with my mum that will include a two night mini-break at a friends in fremantle, lots of op-shopping, coffee drinking, market shopping, garage sale-ing... I can't wait. I will co-ordinate with you when I head over your way - I promise!!

    2. Aw yay! do you have a date set yet beck? cant wait to see you, zavo and levi, miss you guys so much! hope your all well :)
      love you! xx
