Thursday, January 26, 2012

We are OPEN...

What does Australia Day mean to you? Do you have special plans. Are you the type to hang flags from your car and don a cork hat and some thongs to slug back a few cold ones on the beach?? ha ha. Don't lie, I bet there are a few closet bogan's amongst us!

How have I spent my Australia day so far??

enjoying the highs and lows of the triple j hottest 100...
eating damper which we have been slathering with golden syrup....
giving the house a much needed spruce....
re-opening the etsy shop...
digging out a few treasures to make a plate wall in my studio...
sitting around drinking coffee and wearing my nightie with a flower wreath in my hair, for good measure...

Eventually I might get dressed and head over to the sports club where they are having a slip'n'slide for the kids and a band is playing...

Happy Australia Day! Lets all hope that this year is safe and happy for EVERYONE, and that no yucky racism or violence ruins what should be a fun day for all.

Much love.

Bec x


  1. Ohh a plate wall. I like the sound of this.
    And Happy Australia Day to you. x

  2. Hi Bec,
    We too are listening to the triple j hottest 100.....recovering from a flood here yesterday and moving into my new office/workspace.....all in all a great day.
    And now a nice civilized glass of wine with dinner...(no closet bogan's here)
    Enjoy!!! Xox Jo

  3. What a marvelous day! Hope it wasn't to scaldingly hot up your way :D

  4. Damper baking. Golden syrup. Yummo. What a great Australia Day feast.
