Friday, January 20, 2012

Vintage sheet FQ swap

The gorgeous Kel at green tea and red nails is hosting another FQ swap - the first for 2012!!

I am serious vintage sheet collector. I think I have more than 500 sheets in my stash. A fq swap might seem pointless for someone like me - But I LOVE playing along with Kellie's swaps. Because even when I think I have seen every vintage sheet pattern/colour/style possible there is ALWAYS a few new prints to delight and surprise me amongst my folded bundle of sheety goodness. 

Head over here to sign up! 

Bec x


  1. Eek 500...they are seriously hard to get where I am, though I will be keeping my eyes peels when we head to Brisbane soon as I used to find a few there :)

  2. Hi Bec, have you found all those at op shops? I would love to join in the swap as I have seen so many things I would love to make from vintage sheet fabric. Top of the list, a Collette peony dress but I have never found anything like the gorgeous fabrics you have. I live in Melbourne, where should I be looking? Karen

    1. Hi Karen, I have mainly found them in op-shops, But you have to be dedicated - search high and low, leave no shelf unturned. I am lucky that I have a small army of people who keep there eyes peeled for me too, so maybe let your friends know what your after. Good luck! xo
