Sunday, January 15, 2012


I am afraid that this weekend has been lost! Friday night was looking promising until I was suddenly hit by what I am guessing was food poisoning. Today I am feeling so much better. But a little weak nonetheless...

I have managed a small spruce of the small persons new bedroom. I labelled a few tins with the dymo for her very own sugar/coffee/tea canisters. Snazzy! I have plans for a few comfy floor pillows and also a wallpapered bit of board to stand next to her kitchenette, with hooks for an apron. And maybe even a trio of flying ducks! And a starburst clock! so much fun...

I think I will be back to myself tomorrow...

Hope you had a really wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh dear!

    I hope you are feeling much better!

    Am loving the itty bitty kitchen set up. Too cute :D

  2. Ah! I'm a fan of the starburst clock idea! Love the pics! :)

  3. Aw poor you. Just in time for the weekend. That's cruel. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. ow- food poisoning is THE WORST! I can't believe you got all of this done while sick?!

    Loving the bedroom

    xo em

    1. haha - The room was already ready - I just made her bed and labelled the tins - and then I got back into bed!

  5. hope you are feeling better , your little ones bedroom looks gorgeous , love the zzzs. have just ordered myself a dymo labeller - cannot wait !

  6. I do hope your feeling better! Nasty business!

    Great looking bedroom!

  7. Love that girl's room, and your ideas. Get well soon you poor chook. melx

  8. oh lovely bec... food poisoning is the very worst! i once got sick from a fave restaurant and i have never eaten from there again... i just cant to it. every time i think about it have flashbacks to lying on the bathroom floor and vomiting every 20 minutes! haha! hope yours wasnt too bad and you are feeling much better!

    kel xx

    p.s - room looks great!
