Monday, January 23, 2012

Fun DIY - Peg wall display

Being a renter I am always looking for ways to decorate my walls without upsetting the landlord! Over the last few years I have come up with a few tricks for displaying art and favourite items/images and this is my latest.

1. You will need wooden clothes pegs, a packet of the smallest 3M poster stickers you can find (look at the hardware section in the supermarket) and whatever pictures/photographs or ephemera you wish to adorn your walls with...

2. Attach the 3M sticky tabs to your pegs just a little bit lower than the metal spring-part-thingy. This ensures that the tab will be hidden from sight once your picture is displayed. Make sure you follow the directions on the label to protect your wall!!

3. find a spot on your wall and stick it!

I have gone a bit nuts around my house, with peg displays every where. The great thing about these displays is that they can easily change with your mood, are inexpensive to create and the possibilities are endless...

Have fun. If you make a peg display I would love for you to show me!

Bec x


  1. That's awesome! Looks fabulous - I've recently become a total 3M addict - and I love the use of pegs here. I can see my study getting a bit of a makeover before I go back to work next week! :)

  2. Yes same here with renting, pretty lucky in this new place as there's quite a few hooks already in the walls, but I still want to decorate them some more. This is a great idea, thankyou.

  3. Cute! I had a very similar thing going on on my walls, but I used blu tac and they started to fall down. I will try this method instead.

    xx Nicole

  4. Tis is brilliant and would be perfect for the kids to hang pictures in their rooms...only problem is that in the past we have found removing these 3M stickers has caused damage to walls

  5. I really love this idea. I think I might also do a peg display. If I do, I'll send you a link.

  6. Oh my goodness! I think that is genius! I've been dying to put up a mood board in our rented flat and now I can without making any holes! Hurrah!

  7. Brilliant idea, need to go find pegs right now...
    have a lovely week x x x x x x

  8. Awesome idea! I most definitely will have to try this!

  9. Hi just discovered your blog. It looks lovely, I think I will definitely enjoy reading it!
