Monday, January 9, 2012

first rain...

The wet season is finally here and it was met with shrieks of joy and whirl-winding  in the backyard and beautiful scenes of my small person lying on her back in a puddle, looking at the sky while the rain fell on her face.

It has rained all afternoon and every now and then I hear a whisper of thunder. Still no lightning that I have seen. Come on Pilbara - bring on those amazing light shows you are so famous for!!

I love this weather and the smell of the hot rain. It reminds me of my childhood growing up in Cairns and of all the magical tropical places I have travelled to in my life so far. Once I visited a tea plantation in Sabah. There was no refrigeration so they served the pots of tea with sweetened condensed milk. It has been a favourite treat of mine ever since and I am in fact indulging right now. As I write this I am transported.

Once the rain started everyone emerged form their homes to enjoy the cool change. All of a sudden there were people walking/running/skipping along the streets, heading to the parks and probably to the sports club to enjoy a cold beer.

So I am enjoying the rain with a pot of tea and a soundtrack of frogs and distant thunder. I am going to bring out the radio and get stuck into some studio pottering. I need to get that space functioning!

I hope you are having a beautiful relaxing Monday night, and that all is well in your world at this moment.

Bec x


  1. I love rain and thunder on a hot day too, we've even had a few days down here in Victoria this summer. Oh and the memories of tea and condensed milk! We have lived on it during our adventures in the remoteness of the NZ South Island, hope you enjoyed it, I might try to bust it out a bit more here in the comfort of home too!

  2. What a fabulous picture you paint , i love lightening and rain on hot days , glad you are enjoying your new home xxxx

  3. The smell of rain is one of my favourites. How sweet that your little one appreciates and celebrates the rain too. x

  4. This looks simply amazing! And who can say no to a garden full of succulents? Anyone? I didn't think so :D

  5. Thanks for sharing, brings back memories of the wet season in Darwin, for the first couple of days I stayed inside as when it rains down south it's usually cold. Of course I realised how good it was to dance in the rain and the wonderful smell.

  6. I love the flavour and colours of your new home and the way it filters through into this space. Such a dramatic place, the landscapes and the weather. Makes me want to pack up and head north.

    rachel xo

  7. Sydney has been blessed with very cool weather in December but just this week it has gotten slightly warmer making it so hard to bake or even to clean, so I can imagine what a lovely change the rain was for you, the top picture does look scary, dark clouds always look frightful although I love the sound of is so relaxing.

    Hehe...I remember having condensed milk with milo after school (our little guilty pleasure) but without any milk or water ;)

  8. Wow! You grew up in Cairns! Me too! haha! I love that smell of the rain on a disgustingly hot day! Unfortunately Cairns has not had much rain this summer :(
