Sunday, November 6, 2011

flea market find of the year!!

Yes that's right...I found the Mona Lisa in a thrift store!

She will be my entry into the 'flea market find of the year' hosted by miss Sophie over at 'her library adventures'.

Being such an avid thrifter, it really is so hard to pin point just one special find as the 'find of the year' but this tapestry of da Vinci's mysterious lady is certainly amongst the most interesting and kitsch.

I can't believe I found her just yesterday. Just in the nick of time!

To see many more 'flea market find's of the year' or even to enter your own (there is a lovely prize on offer)  visit miss Sophie :)

* this has been edited so that 'flea market' is spelled correctly ........


  1. That is sooooo cool!
    (sorry to repeat the previous comment) is!!

  2. What great timing for such a spectacular find, hope you win! melx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. mona in tapestry... well, she looking good! good luck!! n♥

  5. Wow, Mona could be a winner for sure! What a fun idea, but oh what to choose????


  6. Shit balls - I have just realised that I have been spelling flea market wrong all my life...

  7. Wow! Someone was dedicated! Great find Bec! :)

  8. Lol don't you hate that...bugger...tahnk goodness for spell check.
    That sis a one cool find!! Nice work. I have been eyeing off a tapestry kit from ebay that says "Rock of ages". Its a Christian one but i think its cool regardless.

  9. haha, love her! i wrote a post on the iphone but it changed the word thrifting to thrusting and i had to delete it! :) i found a mona tapestry too but she slipped through my fingers. we're thrifting soul mates! xx

  10. How cool is that? I can only imagine a gallery of variously reproduced Monas: paint by number, latch hook rug, intarsia knitting -the mind boggles! Surely your Mona is the cream of the crop.
