Saturday, August 20, 2011

linky inspiration...

Hello friends! I wanted to share my latest procrastination with you. Bear with me, I am about to get all linky...

Last week I visited this popular blog, where I found a link to this lovely blog, where there was this most lovely project!! Did you see it too?

I was quite motivated to love up my own machine. 
My janome is less than a year old - and much more modern than I am used to. 
My mum gave me my first sewing machine for my 18th birthday. It was second hand and at least 20 years old and I loved it more than anything! I had been happily sewing with it for nearly 10 years until one day it decided to give up. I had her serviced and hoped she would survive - but alas is was not to be. I was devastated to give her up.

My new machine is smooth and shiny, with pink and silver details that urked me. 
She was the pink ribbon janome with part proceeds from the sales being given to breast cancer research. 
She has more stitch functions than I will ever need, and I am still learning how to cope with a computerised machine.. .Every now and again she will just start sewing by herself which always scares the shit out of me... 

here is my machine with a little prettying up...

Please excuse the funny night time photos...

She has seen a little dymo action and a little vintage fabric tape action. 
The beautiful tape was made for me by miss Allana over at high maintenance hippy . 
Its not finished yet - I need more tape!!

Off to bed! 

Bec x


  1. it looks brilliant! i saw that link too but haven't got round to the machine tart up yet...

  2. i love it! dymo and vintage linen? perfection.

  3. Haha, clever idea! My machine is over 35 yrs old and is an icky khaki greeny tan colour.... maybe I need to jazz her up!

  4. What a pretty sewing machine you have now Bec and I love your little motivational sayings too x

    p.s. I want to get my hands on some of Allana's gorgeous tape x

  5. Very cute! They do look oh so white when you buy them new xx

  6. you.are.awesome!

    Allana lovey. you got to fix me up with some of your pretty tape!

  7. I LOVE it! What an awesome use of my tape - who'd of thunk it! I love Dee's blog, she is such a kind and crafty gal. Thanks for the linky too, looks like I'd better get a crafting. xxx

  8. such a cute sewing machine. my first sewing machine was from the 70's :) and I still use it.
