Sunday, April 24, 2011

looking back...

These are drawings and experiments from my high school visual diaries. Looking back I am reminded of the enjoyment and the zen that I used to feel when I put pen to paper...

look what happens when mum isn't paying attention...

I am going to teach myself to draw again. A drawing a day. I will try, at least.

Bed time.

Bec x


  1. do you find blogging similar to your art process diary? When I was in yr 12, my VAPD (visual art process diary) was my constant companion. I would write and draw in it every day.,... I went through a 'medical' drawing stage and spent months drawing muscles, veins,..etc. I miss it.

    (what a rant! Your drawings are amazing btw!) xxx

  2. Definately similar - and although I share my blog with lots of people it really is more of a personal tool. Now that I have started I don't think I will ever stop! But I have found that when it comes to drawing now days I only ever get down the bare bones of an idea - enough so that I don't forget a design. I would really love to start drawing again just for the sake of it. By the way I found some stuff you might love - I will email you... xo

  3. You don't need to teach yourself to draw, you are a natural artist and it's just like riding a bike. Good on you for attempting a drawing a day. Mine is crochet and I am doing it most days in fits and spurts, always hard when you are learning something new. The little button incident- your next step would be to get out a container with lots of compartments and let your little one " sort" them out. My boy has loved doing that since about 18 months as you can sort by colour, size, shape.... hours of possibility really. Mel:)

  4. love, love, love your 'finds'! thank you xxx

  5. I was thinking that you don't need to "teach yourself to draw" either :) You can obviously already do it! I guess it's just making the time to focus

    Oh buttony fun...I can't wait til my boys stop putting things in their mouths and we can play with buttons.

  6. You should make tote bags with that beautiful peacock feather. I'd buy one.
