Friday, September 24, 2010

look what I have just seen on etsy - A shortlist of my Favs

Have you ever heard of spats before? Maybe I am just behind in the times but - LOOK how cool these are...

These were on etsy - you can find them in Merrybe's store all the way from Germany - how wonderful, what a great idea. I almost don't want to share them with you but as it is just coming into summer at the moment, I do not want to start spending on winter accessories. I'm sure that I will be able to order some in time for next winter.

These are even MORE amazing!! This clever person calls them gaiters - I think I might need these. For when i am feeling like a rock star and I want to look tough! You must check out the shop there are a whole lot of awesome accessories in there. I am a fan and these are absolutely on my wish list.
Check it out - merrybe she also has a website - there is a link from her etsy store...

Now this darling doll is made by mck254 . It has inspired me to make my own doll with floral skin but it just isn't turning out the way that I want it to. I automatically started making her very dainty and, well its just not right.   I think that this is one of those special creations where you don't want to make your own - I would rather buy it as a work of art...

This bangle is just quirky perfection. When I was younger I remember turning to my little sister and saying 'live long and prosper' and she turned around, gave me the finger and said 'eat shit and die' . It was a classic moment I will never forget... You will find the bangle at Pangaea Designs .

And I am absolutely going to get this precious little floral headband from head full of flowers
That's all for now - although its not really all - the list of amazing things I want to buy is ENDLESS...



  1. Thanks so much! And about those spats- I really have to do a doll with spats- if only because I love saying it- spats, spats, spats!

  2. hahah your little sister sounds awesome.
