Monday, March 10, 2014

dress factory

We have been busy today. Inside and out. I have dresses hanging everywhere and I need to get the house in order for a property inspection on the weekend. The owners of the sugar shack are coming through for the first time since I started renting this little place, so I want to make sure that it looks beautiful. Lots of cleaning and organising as well as lots of sewing. 

We have peri peri chicken in the oven and the smell is carrying through the shack and making me hungry! Its time for a bath, dinner and then to settle in for an evening of revenge on the TV. Yes! Then early to bed to start it all over again tomorrow.

As always the house is a mess of fabric stacks! Its a beautiful mess, at least :)

Lots of new dresses will be added to the shop over the coming days so stay tuned on instagram (look up naughtyshorts and if you cant find me in a normal search then look in the hashtags) and facebook for details.

Thats all from me today. Hope you are well and happy wherever you may be in the world.


Bec x


  1. Such lovely pics Bec! Those dresses look amazing.


  2. Your tags look gorgeous, where do you order them from?

  3. I'm new round these parts.. introduced by the lovely Dee. I am in heaven! Swooning over your gorgeous dresses and your gorgeous home.
    So glad to find you xx

  4. Your photos make my eyes so happy. I love getting your posts. They are so inspiring!

  5. Vintage florals make the prettiest of messes I would have to agree.
