Saturday, May 4, 2013

I dyed my hands blue..

This has been one of those weeks... My small person was home from daycare all week which meant that I missed out on three full days of sewing. We were up a lot in the middle of the night changing sheets so we were both a bit tired and grumpy after little sleep. Patience with my demanding, whining miss was wearing thin. In between tantrums, snot noses, refusing to eat the food she just asked me to cook, etc, there were a few moments of peace as she fell asleep snuggling on my lap that I loved and that made me feel like a good mumma again.

To keep me sane I squeezed in one little project that I have wanted to try for a while, dying some amazing antique linen sheets that I acquired some time ago. I didn't really love the warm creamy colour and I have been considering dying them for a while but was a little nervous about ruining them after they cost me such a pretty penny . An impulse buy at the craft shop had my mind made up, and I had the sheets in the tub with the dye within ten minutes of getting home with the packet.

I chose a navy die, but only left the fabric in the tub for ten minutes, rather than fourty five, to achieve a soft pale blue. It has been raining a lot this week, so when I put the sheets out to dry I had to leave them over night. Luckily it was fairly sunny yesterday so last night I had my new sheets on the bed and I was so happy with how they turned out. I enjoyed a full night of sleep with no interruptions, thank goodness, I needed it.

So I am sitting here now, having my second strong coffee, stuffing my face with croissants, and thinking about how I will catch up on my sewing this weekend now that the little is feeling better....


  1. Sheets are beautiful! Hope the little one is feeling better soon.

  2. I would have been nervous too, but they are gorgeous!!

  3. Oh those are beautiful. I'm happy the dying went well, for the sheets at least :D

  4. you brave little thing. and it paid off. love the pretty blue shade.

  5. No - your hands don't look blue at all - more a kind of purple! Sheets are fab x Jane

  6. I love them!

    ....very inspiring!

  7. Gorgeousness!

    Sickness and sleep deprivation are the pits. We've had plenty of both around here too... ick.

    rachel xo

  8. They turned out gorgeous!! Such a sweet colour. x

  9. Hehe, something I would definitely do. You get so excited about the project you forget to put gloves on. Oh well, the sheets were worth it. They're beautiful :)

  10. They turned out great- though I had read that dying in the washer was a bad idea because then some dye is left over and it will color the next few washes you put in. Did you have this issue at all?
