Friday, March 22, 2013

Instagram Giveaway!!

Are you on Instagram?? I am a massive instagram addict. I share my daily happenings over there more often than I blog!! I am hosting an instagram giveaway and all you need to do to enter is follow my feed and share this image in your own feed. I will be announcing the winner once I reach 1000 instagram followers. The winner will receive a naughtyshorts tea-dress made in the fabric and size of their choice. This is open world-wide!! Good luck beautiful people xx


  1. I can't find you on Instagram? What is your username? :-)

  2. I love IG, too! And I love your dresses! I just posted and your numbers were at 888, my lucky number is 8,! I hope to bring more followers to you. Check out me, if you have a chance. I mainly post pics of my thrift shop finds or vintage goodies! X

  3. BRB, joining Instagram solely so I can enter this....

  4. Oddly, I can't find you either. I searched for naughtyshorts.

  5. Never mind, I figured it out. Thanks! I love your gorgeous dresses.

  6. I can't find you under that name!

  7. Hi! I'd love to follow you on instagram, but like the anonymous post, I can't find you. I've searched naughtyshorts and several other variations. Any chance for a link?

  8. Hiya. For some reason I can't find you on search either. But I want in on your gorgeous photo stream. Can you pop a link in the post for us dolts it's not working for? Ta :D

  9. miss you beautiful wonderous girl xx

  10. miss you, beautiful, wonderous girl xx

  11. I can't find You on instagram, do You
    have a link?

  12. your dresses are sooooo lovely.
    i shared your pictures on instagram (my instagramname is whatinaloves)

    have great easterdays,

  13. Love Instagram~ But I too am having a lot of trouble finding you too :(
