Tuesday, February 7, 2012

today I am happy...

Today I have been moving with a bit of spring to my step. An early night and only one mid-night awakening meant I enjoyed some much needed Zzzz's. I woke early to shuffle my little lady off to daycare, and with minimal procrastination and a large mug of coffee, I set up in my studio to work on my latest orders. I am quite certain that at this rate I will have a full line-up of delectable dresses ready to show off at the end of the week!

Things making me happy today are the arrival of some much anticipated parcels. A stack of moleskine journals ready for me to personalise, a brand spanking new self healing mat (boring but badly needed) AND a package from my mumma, with the new Country Style and some deliriously amazing antique lace. The lace was a gift courtesy of my Aunty's friend who lives in a tiny French village. My family was holidaying with her there last year (without me) but they made a point of riding old bicycles around the village wearing my dresses. She also sent me some vintage sheets via my Aunty, but my  Aunty decided to keep them! Ha. That's ok Aunty Sarah I still love you...

I have quite a bit of this antique French lace, now I just need to dream about what I will make with it...


I hope you have a beautiful evening ahead of you...

Rebecca x

P.s the hearts are from Sunday nights craft session with gorgeous new crafty friend... If you want to make your own head over to this beautiful blog to get the details...


  1. i am always amazed at how good i feel after lots of sleep! and mail certainly helps too (which is good considering the amount of vintage sheetage coming my way... if only i got to keep it all - haha)! love the bunting and yay for new crafty friends and craft night frivolities!

    love your work :) Kel x

  2. So much eye candy! Loving that gorgeous garland! So pretty!
    Sophie x

  3. Its amazing the difference a good nights sleep can do for you hey....I'm glad you're feeling SPRINGY Bec....!!!

    The heart bunting is LOVELY & I'm gonna pop over & visit your 'crafty Friend'....!!!

    Cheers for now Lovey,
    Tamarah :o)

  4. love a good nights sleep something I am just getting round to now that my kids are older AND lovely mail just makes a plain day extra perfect.

    Maybe you could make a doily lamp or doily lantern? I have the links in my pinterest. So many exciting things to do and make just finding the time is the problem :/

  5. oh how peachy the happy hearts look in your lovely nest! so happy to read you are feeling the bees knees, a happy weekend of crafting wished for you my dear :)
