Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today I was able to get stuck into my latest orders. I am taking it slow and steady, easing my way back into production. It makes my task so much more enjoyable when I am sewing with exquisite fabrics, so I am lucky to have customers with such fabulous taste... 

On the home front, Zavian has just started sleeping in her own bed, and although I am still waking to tuck her back in a couple of times a night, I am sleeping better than ever. It must be not having to keep my arms high above my head or maybe it's having more than 15cm of mattress...  Now that I am getting this deep sleep I feel more tired than ever! It's like I am catching up on three years of lost slumber. 

I have decided to take the pressure off myself and not release any more custom orders for another week, so I can enjoy a few lazy days and early nights...

Thank-you all so much for entering my giveaway. Such a huge  response!! I will be offering another scrap bag next week, so don't be shy to enter again if you didn't win. From 59 comments the winner by is............... Whiskers Lane!!

Shoot me an email to so I can grab your postal address. 

Have a good evening beautiful people.


  1. How nice for Whiskers Lane, congratulations :-)

    Isn't it a nice feeling to finish those last dresses?, they look very nice!
    Enjoy your week and good luck with sleeping...


  2. Yes take your time and don't panic about feeling rubbish. I had such bad sleep with Roboboy that when he finally started sleeping better at two I actually got some REM sleep and in the one night dreamt I had been in a plane crash that killed Legoman, a train crash and lost Roboboy in the rubble, and a volcanic eruption that killed my best friend. Can still remember it vividly to this day. After a few weeks the extra sleep seems to actually be a good thing! Thanks so much to for the salties link, I am so excited to order some. one more question with sizing - did you get just slightly bigger than the length of your foot and did that fit well? i am normally an 8-8.5 here but look like a 9 in their sizing. thanks so much, melx
