Friday, November 4, 2011

package full of goodness!

Today a package arrived that was so jam packed full of sweetness and surprise that my eyes welled with tears, and my heart swelled with happiness!

The parcel was from the gorgeous miss Kel over at green tea and red nails, the gracious host of the best fat quarter swap in ALL of AUSTRALIA!!! It was so beautifully wrapped, but I have no photos to show you, because at times like that I don't stop and think 'where's my camera??'

Wanna' see what was inside??

vintage floral...

little golden books...

vintage threads for my small person...

seriously too cute!

& gorgeous handmade envelopes!
I have already earmarked this fabric as a keeper. A new sundress to match my navy  salties??

Seriously miss Kel!! You spoil me! Sending much love your way tonight.

Bec x


  1. Oh you lucky lucky duck, vintagey parcels are just the best. Love your sandals, I have been trying to choose between the red and the navy myself. melx

  2. I seem to have suddenly turned a peculiar shade of green...

    Great package!Lucky you!

  3. how totally delightful! bloggy people are terribly generous I think, and Kel is awesome.

  4. aahhh lucky you that is one beautiful package of goodies...enjoy them all, dee x

  5. How nice! I love unexpected packages in the mail :)

  6. what a gorgeous parcel to receive! love it all!

  7. Its amazing what vintage fabric does to you. I wish mail like that found it's way to my letterbox. :0)
    I picked up a bundle of vintage sheets on Friday from my local op shop and was giddy with excitement thinking of a summer quilt for the bed, a romper for my 22 month old poppy and a pillow or two for Chrissy presents. You'll become even more addicted to the sandals though I have yellow, red and brown and would love a navy pair. Maybe for Christmas?

  8. oh you are just TOO LOVELY! i am super glad that you liked the goodies :) hope the little clothes fit... i am not an experienced size guesser by any means! hahah! and am so glad that you like the blue sheet... i have kept one for myself and am hoping to make a top or dress. will keep you posted!

    Kel xxx

    p.s - i LIVE in my brown saltwater sandals and am trying to decide between the yellow and navy for my next pair!
