Late night craft project inspired by the golden books bunting I am seeing everywhere
at the moment... Made with daggy old 80's sewing patterns. |
I have sewn each of the panels onto a fabric backing then cut out with pinking shears. |
Familiar sight :) back to work on custom orders... |
Today I felt well and truly back in the swing of things. After spending all day on Wednesday cutting out pieces for custom orders, today I was able to concentrate on the business of sewing.
I was able to get through the day with minimal distractions. There was the usual tea breaks and facebook procrastination, but I managed to get a lot done.
I have a sense of renewed enthusiasm. A brief holiday has put life back into perspective and I am now subscribing to a new way of living that is all about BALANCE, my friends. So I am writing a list. The things I would like to change and improve and implement to make my life better...
Here is my list... so far at least...
1. Try out single tasking. see
this post by Pip over at Mikes...
2. Spend less time on the computer
3. Naughty sewing in designated work hours ONLY - weekends off!! (however non business sewing and crafting is still allowed 'till late )
4. Learn to enjoy cooking once again. I seem to have lost the joy of cooking since becoming a mum.
5. Stop neglecting my friends. A few drinks and a night of music and laughter every now and then will be good for me.
6. Be outside more. Let the fresh air fill my lungs and the sun touch my skin.
7. More water and less tea and coffee (and maybe less biscuits)
8. Dedicated play time with my small person.
9. Regular date nights with my love.
10. Real life crafternoons with like minded humanoids.
11. Try to keep my house a little bit more organised.
12. Want for less.
13. Simplify.
14. cull...
My list is a work in progress. I expect that it will keep on evolving. Do you have a list. Send me a link so maybe I can read your list and borrow a few things for mine :)
Happiness, well being, self improvement. It's in the air.
Bec x