Thursday, August 4, 2011

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy...

Hello there!! How are you going?? I hope you are enjoying a positively pleasant Thursday afternoon. It feels like spring has sprung - around our neck of the woods. The sun has been shining and the rain has subsided. Everything is lush and green, and the lilly's are starting to poke up around the place. So beautiful! Once the lillys are out in full force I want to recruit my niece and my young cousins to frolic around in a paddock somewhere for a photo shoot. I think it will be just dreamy!! BUT - this is not what I wanted to tell you... I have other news...

I have shut up shop!! I need break from custom orders. I have noticed lately that I am not getting around to responding to emails as quickly as I should be. I am feeling burnt out - and I don't want to let anyone down. I need to re-energize physically and creatively.

This is by no means a break from sewing, and infact after I made the decision to shut yesterday I set about making the mix'n'match floral number at the top of this post. What do you think??

If you have been in contact with me already in regards to an order - just shoot me an email as I will still make all orders that were already in the planning. I am going to be making HEAPS of one-of-a-kind dresses that will be available ready to ship in the not too distant future. Watch this space for details...


Hope you are well and happy wherever you are in the world.

Bec x

P.s - this is not my BIG news...



  1. That sounds like an excellent idea, you deserve a break after how flat out you have been!
    Stop teasing about your big news haha! :)

  2. I love your work it is fabulous, I must say mismatch is a fav of mine and I love the purple dress. Have a lovely break and I hope you get time to revitalise. Enjoy.

  3. And so you SHOULD Bec....I can't imagine how many WONDERFUL Tea Dresses you've created in the last few months....You DESERVE to have some different kind of fun with your sewing machine.... :o) !!!

    As ALWAYS I LOVE the dresses you've shown us but some of these prints are absolutely GOBSMAKINGLY divine....I think if I found sheets like this I would either fall down in a dead faint....Or have an 'aCceedent'....**wink**....!!

    I can't wait to see some of your creations whilst your on hiatus....!!!

    Cheers for now GORGEOUS,
    Tamarah :o)

  4. oh sad to see you go, but a well earned rest, your work is amazin', enjoy your rest
    ps love love the new dress, the butterfies ar a gorgeous touch.... look forward to seeing you back soon xo

  5. I think I just died and went to dress heaven! They are beautiful. It sounds like you really need a break though. Hopefully you can get a little rest from it all soon xo

  6. Good on you for taking a break! Sometimes we just need to step back and take a little time. I love, love, love the mix'n'match dress featured at the top, quite different from your other styles, but still gorgeous! Can't wait to see the ready to wear styles xx

  7. So when do we get to hear the BIG news????? I really like the stripey one with the long pockets (and all the others), looking forward to seeing what other beautiful things you whip up. Yey. Sunshine is nice. have fun x

  8. mix'n'match is divine miss beccy xxx can't wait to see what else you can conjure up!!!

  9. I think the dress you have at the top of the page is nice.

  10. I got my dress today - IT IS WONDERFUL!!! Thanks so much! Nicole

  11. Oooh, someone's about to get MEGA creative. Very exciting news :)
    Enjoy your time out, looking forward to see what you make and also hearing more about this BIG news??????

    take care

  12. my eyes have offically popped out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god. i am in LOVE with that mix and match dress. is that going to a home? is it a size 14? haha. i will let you rest for a while and then i'll be putting my order in for one of those babies. you are so inspiring. so much prettiness. enjoy your weekend pretty girl. xx

  13. I LOVE the mix and match dress!! Cant believe how many dresses you pump out- well deserved break I think!

  14. Since I first saw your stunningly I must have dresses I've thought about how much I'd love one. The only problem would be deciding as I see the first one here and lust after it and then the next and the next. Your fabric stash is a thing of envy. One day soon when I have the spare pennies and if you're back on the custom orders I'll be asking you nicely for a dress of my own.

