Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Day!

Yummy new fabrics arrived in the post!!
And so did my book Sew La Tea Do, by the scrumptious Pip Lincolne of Meet me at mikes fame... It is full of great projects, but even more importantly, it is crammed full of gorgeous photos!! More about the book later...

... and amongst my massive stack of parcels on the doorstep, was my most amazing little plate from Kelly at the storybook rabbit. Now that it has arrived I think I must head over to her shop and buy a few more, it is simply too lovely!

PLUS! I shipped out a whole bundle of dresses - which makes me feel organised, and like I am making progress...

and then we played dress ups in a whole bunch of new dresses to get a few new shots for the shop.
Keep it looking fresh, I say.

Lucky me!!

Hope you had a fabulous day as well!!

Bec x


  1. that does sound like a great day! i cant believe i still don't have pips new book! it has been sitting in my basket at 'the book depository' for at least a few months now! haha!

    Thanks for signing up to the vintage sheet FQ swap! looks like you have some great sheets to swap! cant wait :)

    have a great week - love your blog! Kellie x

  2. I did the same!! Glad I have it now, some cute patterns for sure - but even just for the photo's...
