Friday, August 30, 2013

This Tuesday I invited the very talented Rachel Woods (aka Sundaypeach on instagram) into my home to take some photographs of this cute little pink house. It was so much fun watching her work and the whole morning was such a joy. I LOVED playing stylist and I cant wait to work with Peach again. I was hand delivered a disk full of photos, beautifully wrapped along with a very gorgeous birthday gift this afternoon. I haven't even had the chance to look through them yet but I simply could not wait to share this sneaky preview with you.

Thank you so much lady peach, for your time and your talent and your beautiful view of the world. You are one gorgeous, amazing lady and I am so glad you moved to town. If you are on instagram definitely look up miss peach (sundaypeach) for daily doses of serene beauty.

I am positively bursting out of my skin with happiness. Here I am on the eve of my 29th birthday, with people I love, in my cozy little home that I have put so much effort into creating, with a job where I get to be creative every day and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I am feeling so proud of what I have achieved and so content with what I have that I am not going to worry about a 'to do list' to conquer for the coming year, but rather just enjoy what I have right here and right now. At least for the moment... that list may come.......later...goals are good too....

I want to thank you all so much for following along, always with kind words of encouragement, cheering me on. Thank you for letting me share my stories with you and taking the time to share your own with me.

Bec x

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunshine and happiness!!

The last few days I have not been able to wipe the smile off my face! The sun has finally returned and it had everyone in my little town buzzing with positive vibes. We have been gardening and spring cleaning. Garage sale hunting and late afternoon beach walking. Sunsets and fish and chips. A wonderful taste of things to come after a very wet and and very cold August.

One very exciting thing was that I ordered new seat cushions for my retro sofa and they are now here and I love them. Not exactly a cheap thrill considering I found this beauty on the curb but she deserved the special treatment and I am so glad that I chose to have them professionally sewn rather than doing it myself. Once I looked at the cost of materials, fabric/foam/zippers etc; and time it was actually really good value.

Happy days! I hope you are loving some sunshine wherever you may be in the world :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Market night announcement...


I am still making preparations to head off on holiday and  I have decided to host a market night on the Sunday the 18th of August, at 5pm WA time to earn myself a little spending money. I only have a small number of ready to ship dresses available, maybe 10. I will also release a very limited number of custom dresses.... I will upload pictures of all of the available dresses on Thursday next week along with all of the nitty gritty you will need to know to partake in the evenings events.

In other exciting news I am currently working with a delicious lady on overhauling my blog. You can expect a new look here SOON. The new blog will hopefully be easy to navigate and will have lots of information that has previously been a bit difficult to find. You should be able to find all the info you need on placing orders, bridesmaids dresses, all of my social media links etc... You will be able to find all of my past DIY projects in one place! I also have a photoshoot coming up so that I can give you all a tour of my sugar shack! I cant wait!

GIVEAWAY WINNER - There were too many beautiful comments for me to choose so in the end I had to do it randomly, and my lovely winner is all the way over in Finland :) Thank you all for entering xxx

AnikóJuly 30, 2013 at 5:58 PM
happy 400th! i love the concept and look of your line! very inspiring to see your studio space also, all that vintage goodness...! i also really like the honest writing on your blog, nice to see real people behind successful small businesses! here's for the next 400 posts and many more gorgeous frocks!
best wishes from Finland!