Thursday, June 30, 2011

...a few new loves

New fabrics arriving on my doorstep...

A new obsession with postage stamps...

A new hobby...

They are like tiny little pieces of history...

I love that each postage stamp has its own little story...

and there is SO much you can do with them...

I have also been playing with gorgeous old sheet music from the 30's and 40's

AND awesome cross-stitch images from vintage books such as Golden Hands...

Hello my loveliest lovelies!! How are you all today? We are locked inside, away from the wild and woolly weather that has hit our small town in the last few days. You may have seen snippets on the news... Dunsborough and Quindalup have experienced massive winds over the last few nights, and trees have been up-rooted and houses have lost their roof's... It has been crazy...

Luckily we have had no damage to our house, and I was so tired that I have slept through the howling winds, and was quite oblivious to the storm until I drove past the SES workers cleaning up the next morning.

Any who, it is perfect weather for creating and nesting and sewing, so I couldn't be happier, despite the destruction!! I have been locked away playing with a few new projects...

I recently fell in love with collecting stamps, not to keep in an album, but to re-use for crafting purposes, along with all sorts of vintage ephemera collected from books, magazines, images from postcards and advertisements... 

I will be selling the lockets maybe at market?? I am not sure if I will add them to the Etsy shop yet...

I need to say a hugest THANK YOU!!! To the marvellous Tamarah over at the Shabby Vintage Junk Blog, for writing the most ridiculously lovely stuff about me and my little piece of blogland. I am a huge fan of her work, so to say that I am flattered would be a huge understatement. She goes about collecting and salvaging incredible vintage booty, with such incredible enthusiasm, gusto and humour, she really is an inspiration machine!!! If you haven't seen her before you can check her out here...

She also poked me in the direction of Dottie Angel. Have you seen this lady before? I can't believe I hadn't heard of her sooner. Just MAGICAL and whimsical creations, all along the vintage and recycled theme. She is just my cup of tea. Go take a peak here...

Speaking of tea, it's time for me to go have a cuppa now.

Much love and happiness to you xoxoxoxoxoxoxox


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

...just a few more dresses

Holy Moly Kids, what a week!!

I would love to report that I have spent the week soaking up the sun on Cable Beach, but sadly it just ain't true. It's not that the weather was not perfect -  believe me, it was. Unfortunately my small person came down with a terrible yuckness the day before we left home. A horrible, nasty, yuckness that has involved fever, coughing, ear ache, an upset tummy and a nasty whopping cold-sore on the side of her pretty little baby face... So sad.

It was so nice to visit the friends and family that we left in Broome all those years ago, but really all I think we wanted was to be home, in comfortable and familiar surrounds.

We flew in late yesterday, and drove through the rain in the middle of the night to reach home sweet home at around 2am this morning. It took copious amounts of coffee to keep me going on the long drive. I am now feeling a little bit beyond tired, and I am ready to hibernate for the rest of the year  day.

I have a lot to share with you once my energy returns. A new summer dress, new fabrics, new projects...

I hope you are all feeling rugged up and well - I love winter - but it is the season of the yuckness....

Talk to you soon.

Bec xxoxoxo

Friday, June 24, 2011

Postcard from Broome town...

Hello loveliest peoples... I just wanted to let you know that I have skipped town for a week.

I will be back around the 27th...


Thursday, June 16, 2011

From me - to you - with love xo

Just a few of the dresses I have shipped this week...


Thank you so much for your patience. All of you wonderful ladies who are waiting for dresses... I am so happy to tell you that although I am right on 8 weeks wait at the moment, all new orders should be shipped within 5 weeks from now on! Hooray! I am slowly catching up...

...and this week I snuck in a couple of frocks for my small person - yay! If you like, you can find the pattern for  "the miss adorable frock" from 'sew la tea do' - the wonderful book from Pip Lincoln at meet me at mikes... she is the best..


Bec xox