Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Day!

Yummy new fabrics arrived in the post!!
And so did my book Sew La Tea Do, by the scrumptious Pip Lincolne of Meet me at mikes fame... It is full of great projects, but even more importantly, it is crammed full of gorgeous photos!! More about the book later...

... and amongst my massive stack of parcels on the doorstep, was my most amazing little plate from Kelly at the storybook rabbit. Now that it has arrived I think I must head over to her shop and buy a few more, it is simply too lovely!

PLUS! I shipped out a whole bundle of dresses - which makes me feel organised, and like I am making progress...

and then we played dress ups in a whole bunch of new dresses to get a few new shots for the shop.
Keep it looking fresh, I say.

Lucky me!!

Hope you had a fabulous day as well!!

Bec x

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New fabrics!!

Hi Everyone!! Hope you are all enjoying a delightful weekend so far... I gave myself a day off on Thursday, and I feel fresh and rejuvenated and ready to get back into the sewing.

I have about 15 dresses ready to ship first thing on Monday (yay!!) and I am looking forward to getting a little bit of time to create some wonderfully mismatched one-of-a-kind creations!!

In other news, I have collected a tonne of new fabrics that I have started to upload onto my blog. REMEMBER that there is only ever enough fabric for one or two dresses, so if you see something you like, don't hesitate!!

Here is the link -

I have just uploaded about twenty new fabrics, and another fifty or so within the next week or two.

I have also been making petticoats! So much fun... I am imagining clashing floral and sweet lace peeking out from under dainty dresses - very tea party!! Available for sale soon in my etsy shop!!

I am so excited about my upcoming trip to Melbourne for the finders keepers market - I would love to hear if you are going to be there!!

Okie dokie, hope you are safe and well wherever you are. I am going back to work...

Bec x

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New batch...

Friday last week I sent off a massive pile of orders and thanks to my mums efforts keeping Zavian happy over the weekend I managed to ship off about ten tea dresses on Monday morning. A few orders are finally starting to reach their new owners and I am eagerly and nervously awaiting feedback. So far so good, I have a few very happy ladies promising their returned custom, which is lovely, and there have been no bad reports thus far. Hooray!!

Yesterday and today was spent cutting and sewing the next batch of orders, so that I can systematically finish them off during the rest of the week... I love seeing my dresses come together - the only  hard part is knowing that deep down I wish I could keep them all - and knowing that I might never see that same fabric again in my lifetime.

It is such a joy seeing the dresses hanging from every door way in my house - It is a little chaotic and a little bit chinese laundry - but seeing them around me all the time fills me with pride and happiness. Can you see your dress in there? Or maybe yours has already shipped?? Or maybe you still have a few weeks to wait...  It won't be too long, I promise.

I have a few weddings that I am making bridesmaids dresses for and I have been looking into ideas for flower girls dresses. My lovely friend Ash  whipped up this precious dress from scratch with no pattern and I think that it is one of the most lovely little dresses I have ever layed eyes on... It will match the handmade wedding theme perfectly... Thankyou naughty little Quinn for being our model today :)

My yummy mummy-in-law surprised me yesterday with a package in the mail. Inside was a book 'The Secret Lives of Dresses', with a little note saying "...i just couldn't resist".  I love you Kat - you are wonderful, thank you for always thinking of me.

I started reading it last night and it was such a nice way to wind down after a busy day sewing. I have definitely already been drawn into the plot. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that the last books I enjoyed may or may not have been about a certain bunch of vampires... 

OK, well time for me to go to bed...

I hope you are safe and well and happy, wherever you are in the world. 

Christchurch and all NZ peeps - stay strong - we are all thinking of you.

Bec x 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thanks mum...

...with so many orders on the go I had to call on my mum for some help.

She packed her bags and hit the road for the 3 hour journey South, so that she could be here for the weekend to make sure that I had some food to eat, clean clothes to wear and also make sure that I didn't neglect my baby, while I sit at my sewing machine and sew and sew and sew.

I even put her to work, stamping names on swing tags and ironing endless strings of bias binding...

I love my mum.

When I am making dresses, the first thing I do is make the swing tags... I like to know who's dress belongs to whom as I am sewing. I like to imagine that I know where each dress is going, and it makes me happy, rather than sad, to be cutting up my precious fabrics.

I sent off a large number of custom dresses last week, and I am holding my breathe with excitement, waiting to hear back from hopefully very happy customers!

I also bought a new electric toothbrush today, I had forgotten how much I love brushing my teethe...

Well I am off to bed, early start in the morning.

I hope you are well and happy, wherever you are in the world!


Friday, February 18, 2011


Wow people! what a crazy couple of days I have had!!

I would like to say thanks so much to all of the people who have looked me up. I have been {positively} overwhelmed with new orders! I sat next to my laptop yesterday and practically watched my dresses FLY out of my shop, one after the other, some orders were only seconds apart...

Last night I actually had a little bit of anxiety thinking about how I am going to make SO many dresses... BUT this is what I love, and I can't wait to get into them. I know I have many late nights ahead of me, and I have recruited my mum to drive down here to Look after Zavian for the weekend so that I can sew my little heart out, and hopefully not leave all of you lovely ladies waiting for too long...

If anyone is planning on making an order, please note that I have just booked a trip to Melbourne to visit the Finders Keepers Market on the 26th and 27th of March, and I will be out of action for the week that I am there, so any new orders could take up to 8 weeks to be made!!

Sadly I won't be having a market stall there this time round, but we will call this trip a "research trip" NOT a "shopping trip" as some people might be inclined to assume...

Oh, I have to get to work.

Just before I go - the pink and blue dresses in this post are custom orders - not for sale.
The white floral however will be listed in my shop as a ready to ship for $70.00 tomorrow and it is a size 12
The baby doll dress (notice the higher waist) is a sample, is a size 10, one of a kind and finished with vintage bias binding that has been treasured in the most beautiful stash of sewing trims you have ever seen for the last 40 or 50 years. SO so so gorgeous... i will list that tomorrow also.

Goodnight! Hope you are safe and happy, wherever you are... Thankyou Frankie xo you are the best...


Bec x

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

tush tush

I ordered a custom drawing from the very talented tush tush on etsy... I can't wait to get it... That is me and my precious little at work.

Frankie comes out (officially) today, I am off to the news agency...


Saturday, February 12, 2011

First in Best Dressed!!

Hello ladies! And gents, if there are any who read this (say hi, let me know!)...

I have spent the day taking pictures of new fabrics, and I have just spent this evening uploading them to my blog! Yippee!! Follow the link to see what is new!

I have had to list a select few fabrics as "premium" at an extra $10.00 per dress (75.00 each) simply due to the amount that I had to pay for them - BUT TRUST ME, they are totally 100% worth every cent!! Truly divine and scrumptious - I am just trying to decide which ones to keep for myself!!

REMEMBER - If you are ordering a dress, please still choose your fabrics from this link -

I am so happy to report that I am extremely busy!! And the feedback I have been receiving has been just amazing. It makes me so happy - thanks guys - no crazy bridezilla's in my world, no way!

Well have fun looking and keep an eye out at the news agency for FRANKIE MAGAZINE - Due to hit the shelves on Wednesday, there might be a little somethin' somethin ' in there about a certain little naughty... maybe... we will see :)


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DRess Ups!! Photo Competition!! DRess giveaway!! Yeah!!


Today, my lovely model (and sister in-law-to-be) and I set up in the morning sun against the white wall in my bedroom to have a little photo shoot!! We posed in all of the new dresses I have been making, including the one of a kinds and custom orders! What fun we had! That is me, by the way, with the dark hair...

It made me think ...lets have a photo comp, for all of the lovely ladies who own my dresses!!

I want to see you, yes YOU, rocking my dresses in your own style! I will upload the pics to my blog the day after final submissions, 28th April, and the viewers can vote by leaving their comments! The winner will receive a custom made dress in their choice of fabric, made by me, sent to their door with LOVE! And, why not let the non-dress-owners get in on the action, the best comment, as chosen by moi, will also win a custom tea dress, made by me, sent to their door with love!!

What do you think!! Entries must be submitted by April 28th - that gives you PLENTY of time to send your pictures to me at

I have given you these photo's for a little inspiration! grab your girlfriends, a cool backdrop, maybe a bottle of champas??? Go nuts! I can't wait to see your entries!! Whoop woo!!!!

I am once again up WAY TOO LATE, time for sleep... Hope you are safe and happy, maybe dreaming sweetly? wherever you are...


Monday, February 7, 2011

My HUGE weekend in lovely Fremantle...

  Oh my, what a weekend! I am truly knackered as I finally take 5 to recap a very successful  and inspiring trip to the seaside town of Fremantle.

Zavian and I made the trip to spend the weekend with Levi while he is staying in town to complete some training for his new job. Along the way I found some of the best op-shopping EVER! and I met a few ladies who are living the dream with there very own successful vintage/handmade dress shops!! Woop whoop - it was great to see and I would love to share, so here goes it...

First up there was Broken Doll Vintage, located in the Atwell arcade - this sassy seamstress has her sewing machine in store at the ready to tailor any of her own designs or vintage garments especially to fit you while you wait! Its a great shop crammed full of precious knick knacks and eye candy galore.

Zavian winning her first prize at the clowns...

nosy goat at the petting zoo...


Amongst the Saturday town square markets was a lovely young miss with her spunky stall, The Ginger Fox . She imports all of her vintage from secret suppliers in Japan and the USA. Her prices are great, I picked up the bestest little shirt dress, with awesome print and retro buttons. This business savvy miss does have her own website and the best part is she only charges $2 a piece for postage AND she lets you change your mind that 70's dress doesn't turn out to be what you thought.

And finally.... Granny squares!! I know I bang on about it a bit but you know I have wanted one of these for ages. When I saw it I knew that it was THE ONE!

I bought this from a gorgeous shop in the Freo Markets called Anjel Ms - The lovely lady who runs the show, Gaelle Beech, has a fair trade arrangement with a family in Bali who hand crochets these blankets. They are probably the nicest I have ever seen. You can have them custom made if you contact her on

I also found an abundance of new fabrics - some are so beautiful I may not be able to part with them! I have some serious fabric stack photos to take - coming soon, promise!

Gotta go to bed xoxoxox