Saturday, March 31, 2012

we are home...

Good evening beautiful friends. I hope this Saturday night finds you well and happy.

We have returned from our trip to Perth. It was so nice to see my family, but it was way too busy! Trying to fit in everything and everyone I had hoped for was a little bit exhausting and we are in need of recovery. It has also proven to be a catalyst to bring on a few life changes and hard decisions. This is a very personal and emotional time so I have decided to delay re-opening the shop for another week. 

I have a little D.I.Y prepared for tomorrow morning that I can't wait to share with you, but until then - I think I need some sleep!

Bec x

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I must have over indulged in the dark chocolate last night, because I hardly slept on account of a buzzing brain. I was up  at 3.37 am, an hour and a half earlier than I needed to be, partaking in a little coffee drinking and blog reading before I hit the road to Karratha to catch our 9am flight.

We are packed. We are packing light, to make room for a few new goodies I plan to bring home with me. Last minute preparations included washing dolly and uploading new tunes to the ipod.

The out-of-office response has been switched on and the car is packed. Woohoo! Of we go!

Bec x

P.s - don't forget to follow me on instagram, where I am sure I will be documenting many a thrifty find and happy moment along the way...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


and with less than 24 hours till we get on that plane to Perth, I better go pack!

Bec x

Sunday, March 18, 2012

3 sleeps to go...

Well it's only three days till we leave for Perth. I am beyond excited and my head is swimming with day dreams about what I might get up to while I am there. I will of course be visiting every op-shop I know and hopefully stumble across a few new ones.  I am looking forward to pints with friends and cuddles with my family.

Before I leave I still have a huge day and night of sewing/photographing/wrapping/shipping a stack of orders. I am still confident that I will get all orders shipped, but this weekend I have achieved much less than I had hoped due to this lurgy that is hanging around our home.

I have been on instagram. I have been using it to snap photo's for ages but I am only just realising its full potential. Making new acquaintances and finding awesome talent. It is the perfect behaviour for laying on the couch feeling sorry for yourself - guaranteed to make you feel better.

I have other exciting news - I have just invested in my first DSLR. I am having it delivered to my mum's house, and hopefully it will be there by the time I get to town. I can't promise that my photo's will be instantly amazing, but I plan to spend the time I am away getting mighty friendly with my new piece of equipment...

I have just downed an evening coffee - that means it's time to get down to business and finish these dresses.

Have a fabulous evening.

Bec x

Friday, March 16, 2012

After feeling so dynamic yesterday, I am afraid that the yuckness that has plagued my small person all week has taken it's grip on me. Today was a wasted day of trying my hardest to get things done, but achieving nothing. I think that on days like this it is perhaps best to indulge in excessive tea drinking, tv watching, non energetic-behaviour.

Thanks so much to everyone who helped me welcome the new style dress to the shop. They sold out within an hour! Once I have this first batch under way I will release a few more spots. Seriously. You are amazing! Thanks so much for supporting me in doing what I love. I hope I can do this forever :)

I have just visited the shop to fill our pantry with the standard canned goods and enough food to get us through the weekend - Cyclone Lua is expected to cross the coast tomorrow, and although we are not in her direct line, we are expecting the weather to get a little hairy...

Happy Friday!

Bec x

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Today I have seriously been sewing like a woman on a mission. I am on a mission! to have all custom orders shipped before I depart for Perth on Wednesday next week. I am happy to report that I think I will have nearly everything finished by the end of tomorrow night.

Due to such high demand I have decided to make a batch of custom 3/4 sleeve A-line dresses available for  sale in the etsy shop tonight! Orders taken tonight will be made upon returning from Perth. If you would like a dress in this style before the end of April tonight is the night to grab one!

Thank you all so much for your kind words and support in regards to my pompom's passing. I am feeling much better today and I am really just looking forward to being with my mumma. Cyclone Lua is heading toward the Pilbara coast and bringing flooding rains with her. I might need to bring my flights forward if I don't want to get stuck here...

Bec x

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

farewell pompom...

I have been posting this photo a bit lately, it is a picture of my grandparents, from before they were married I believe... They had many names over the years. They were known as Buddy and Jumbo to their friends, but Annie and Pompom are the names I recall using the most. Annie passed away many moons ago, but my Pompom hung around right up until yesterday morning.  

It is a sad time, but we all know that he has had an amazing journey. He was a fine story teller with a wonderful sense of humour. We will always remember him with love and joy in our hearts.  Now he can be with his Annie again.

So glad that I will be home next week to spend time with my mumma and cuddle her during this sad time. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

I have a sick small person. Nothing serious, just a nasty cough. We are running on no sleep. She is coughing so hard that she can't keep her stomach. We have had multiple midnight awakenings with sheet changes in her bed and ours. The washing machine has been on 24/7 keeping up with the amount of bedding that she keeps throwing up on. All I have managed today is a small amount of studio pottering with my lady sitting at my feet, and a few random instagram snaps...

Being sick hasn't kept her out of any mischief though. Yesterday morning I stayed in bed to try to catch up on some sleep when I awoke to an unusual banging sound. I came out to investigate and discovered that Z had been cracking eggs all over the house and Levi had fallen asleep on the couch, oblivious. I couldn't be angry with her. She was just hungry and was looking for a boiled egg - normally I have a stash of them in the fridge for snacks. Levi was not so lucky....

I have 15 dresses all at different stages ready for completion, and 5 scheduled sewing days to get them done. Fingers crossed my small person doesn't get any worse, because I am sure most of you will understand that when your little is unwell, the rest of the world must wait...

Bec x

Friday, March 9, 2012

hodge podge...

1. bridesmaids dresses in the post...

2. citrus colours all in a row

3. experimenting with branding. Opinions??

4. ready to ship, size 14, $160.00 (deluxe fabric!!)
Just a teeny bit too big for me, otherwise I think I would have kept it!!

5. Instagram Shots. If you want to look me up I operate under the name of naughtyshorts! haha
6. My favourite person, wrapped up in my favourite new fabric...

7. The amazing storm from last night. This silent electrical cloud was hovering above our house for about an hour. It was amazing.

Just a few random snaps from the week so far. Hope you are ready for a restful and enjoyable weekend.

Bec x